Monday, August 30, 2010

Camera Fun!

I have been having a GRAND old time with my camera the last couple of days! I found this web site that does a photo scavenger hunt every month. I found it on Friday through the Trendy Treehouse blog hop ( well, I found a blog who was doing it and THAT lead me to the actual web site ). Friday was the 26 or 27th...and instead of seeing it was a monthly thing and thinking, "Sweet, the next one will start soon!" I say, "YES! I STILL have time to do this one" Silly me! So now I only have ONE more day to get all of my pictures done. I am almost done any ways but I do still need to get a few pictures. The web site is HERE If you are like me you can go there and sign up and do it all in one day! haha Or you can wait until Wednesday when another month's up to you.

Then I found ANOTHER wed site that does photo contest and challenges. This has a challenge right now for self portraits. I have taken taken 3 and I am trying to decide on which one to use. That web site is Here. Check it out and play along!

This weekend I went yard saling! I NEVER do this. My husband is gone a lot and I don't want to drag the kids around in the heat. For SOME reason I just really wanted to an my wonderful SIL was game. I found the BEST stuff. One of which is this CUTE skirt I wore to church and made my SIL take a picture of me.

Then I had her take this one for my husband! haha

I have SO many pictures exactly like this. I love my butt and for some reason that was something my sisters and I always did. I should dig out a bunch of pictures an make a montage of my behind...not that any one other then my husband would like to see it.

Any ways I got the skirt for either 1 or 2 dollars and it is actually a suit with a jacket. I bought both but I don't like wearing suits together. The skirt is actually big on me and after wearing all during church I realized I need to take it in before I wear it again but for a dollar it was SO WORTH IT!

Now check out this darling skirt I got for my girl

She was my little cow girl at church this week. Cheetah cow girl boots, jean skirt and some pig tails. She was STYLING. This skirt is darling up close and after looking at it is gonna be SO easy to make out of pants that don't fit her any more. You better believe I am trying this and SOON! When I do, I promise to do a tutorial.

And last but certainly not least, I did a new born photo shoot today for my friend whose maternity pictures I posted a while back. Check out the cute baby

Ain't he adorable!?!?! The one of him with the flower is special. Her brother is serving a mission for our church and not only missed the wedding, but the baby being born. He gets home in a couple of months but she wanted to do something for him to include him. The flower her brother gave her for her birthday right before he left on his mission. I thought it was a great idea for her to bring it and the baby was gripping onto that thing as tight as he could.

Well, I must go for now. I should have gone to bed a while ago but I must say if you are still reading this you are awesome. I think I have my "business" name narrowed down to two! Tomorrow I HOPE to write another post and see what everyone thinks. That to everyone who left feed back the last time. Good night

Friday, August 27, 2010

Opps, I Forgot

Sometimes while the kids are taking naps I shrink pictures for future post. Then they wake up and I never get the post up and forget. This week I had an "order" for a tutu and a Minnie Shirt to match for a friend. She wanted it for her friends daughters 1st birthday. After some issues...running out of one color and then going to buy some more only to find the color didn't match and I had to re-do all the purple...I got it done and think it turn out cute! I also could only find a long sleeve shirt at Walmart and so I cut the sleeves off and then gathered up the sides and added a bow.

Sorry for all the post today. I am pretty sure I am done for the night. Can't wait to go get chips and salsa with my SIL and the kids. MMMMMMMMMM

Pretty, Pretty please!!!

Sorry for all the HELP I am asking for this week. I have a list of names that I am considering for my sewing etsy shop. Which ones do y'all like? I definitely have my favorites but here are a list of ten or so that are either completely free on etsy OR have one or two people occupying the name so I would have to change it slightly. It is SO hard to find a name completely free. In no particular order

Sew Possible
Sew You Later
Katie Made It
Katie's This and That
By Katie
Sew'n Crazy
Sew Exciting
Peddle Pushers
Crafty Crazy
Blazin' Needles
Sew'n Funky

SEW what you think? I am going to be selling a big variety of things. Hair bows, purses, accessories, eye glass cases...things like this. Let me know what you think. That includes if there is one you HATE because I want to know that too. I am looking to get this ball rolling so I can start listing and trying to sell things so any advice is much appreciated! The annoying part is that picking the name is JUST the beginning. I still have to come up with some labels and all that crap! Boooooooooo Also as a bonus I will give you another name my LOVELY sister gave me that I WILL NOT be using. Stitched by the Witch. Yup...we love each other dearly in my family! haha It is a way creative and cute name, it is just not one I am willing to use. heehee

New Bag, New Friends

Today is New Friend Friday at Trendy Treehouse and I try to remember to join this party when I can because I enjoy finding new blogs. I don't know about you guys but when I find a blog I like I will sit for an hour or two and go through the ENTIRE blog! Haha Sometimes it takes me the whole day ( off and on because with two kids and no husband at home for a couple more days I CAN'T just sit here all day! ). Sometimes if it is a super old blog, it could take me a week. I love doing it though. It seems like I am the only one this blog crazy though. If anyone else does this, please leave me a comment so I don't feel like a complete loser...haha

New Friend Fridays

Any ways. Here is the etsy PDF purse I just finished!

Isn't it CUTE! I love it! The etsy account is called Sew With Me 3 Click on the link and see all the cute purses she has in PDF files. The one I got is called the No 10 Pleats Bag Click on it to see the page. I LOVE this shop because she is SO smart to make a sewer friendly version of the PDF download. What that means is it was only 4 bucks instead of 8 and it is basically for people who either know how to sew well or are very knowledgeable about putting together purses. I am not super AWESOME at sewing itself BUT I have put together a zillion purses ( aka like 30 which SEEMS like a zillion! ). So instead of giving you in depth details on how to put on interfacing or how do pleats she basically gives you pictures with SIMPLE instructions on the pictures that are plenty for someone like me to follow and come up with a super cute bag. Who can beat 4 bucks! If you have never done a purse before I would highly recommend buying the other version because you WILL be confused and frustrated by the sewer friendly version. So go to her store and check it out.

Do you LOVE this one that I made? WELL, as soon as I pick a name for my shop I will be selling it! WOO HOO I can't wait to make more of them now.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Does ANYONE know how to take a blog on one account and change it to another? Or is it even possible? I have a photography blog and our family blog on one account and then I have this one on another account. If possible, I would LOVE to switch my photography blog over to this account and have my two public blogs be together and then our family one on it's own. I hate how when I want to and a comment on someone's photography blog it comes up as our family blog. I try and keep that one a little more private. i am NOT blog savvy...I don't do computers. So any insight on this would be great!

I have a purse half done that I hope to have finished tonight so I can post pictures of it. It is REALLY cute! It is the PDF pattern I bought on etsy. It will hopefully be one of my first things in my new etsy store IF I CAN JUST THINK OF A NAME! Why is that so difficult? I think later on today I will post some names and see what everone thinks. Until REALLY messy house is calling my name. So is my 18 month old and my 4 year old. :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sunday before I went to church I threw some food in a crock pot and was good to go for dinner. By the time I got home the house smelled SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. Here is what I did and TRUST ME, you HAVE to try it.

Chicken Breast
Black Beans

Throw those in the crock pot and set it to low. Make sure NOT to drain the rotel before you put it in. You want all the juice to keep the chicken moist. About an hour before I turn the crock pot off ( I cooked mine for 6 or 7 hours ) put some cheese on top. If you are a South Beacher, like myself, then I use low fat cheese. Turn the crock pot off and let the cheese melt. Next I shred the chicken up and mix everything up, throw some spoonfuls over some wheat tortillas. I also add olives and you can add onions or whatever floats your boat.

Check out how YUMMY it looks!

If you don't know what Rotel is it is FABULOUS!

One of my FAVORITE things to do is take black beans and rotel and throw them in a blender together. SO GOOD! Try that too. You can heat it up with some cheese on top and eat it with chips. Or make burritos with it. I use it to make burritos at least once a week. And here are my tortillas of choice

These bad boys are full of fiber and are so YUMMY! I LOVE THEM!

So go eat some healthy YUMMY food. It is totally worth it!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This week I have an order for a tutu and cute minnie shirt. I am in the process of making the tutu and it is so ridiculously cute right?! Yeah, I ran out of one of the colors for the tutu! DOH! My kids are napping which means I have to WAIT until they are up to go get more and I am DYING to finish it!

Any ways. Today is the day for one lucky person. Well, I don't know how lucky a free purse or something would be but hey, it's free right?! The lucky person was

*Crystal* said...

I'm already a follower!

YEAH CRYSTAL! Send me an email and we can start chatting about what you think you might want me to sew you!

Thank you to all those who entered. It was funny because I was thinking giving everyone more chances to win would make the competition a little better. Instead I ended up with the exact same number of entries! I think the random number generator laughed at me when I put my numbers in. I promise to do more giveaways in a couple of months. For now I am trying to think of a new name for a business. Any body got any ideas? I know I already have an etsy site but I really would like to open another one with all my sewing stuff. I am trying to think of a name that isn't common and sewing names are SO hard to think of. Mostly because everything has been taken already. I am also having trouble because I do a little of everything so I don't want something that is specific like only to purses.

WOW! I have been writing this for over an hour and so I should go. The weather is getting crazy outside here. Super windy. I wonder if we will be having some tornado warnings because those only seem to come when my husband is gone. haha It is probably just some crazy wind. We'll see.

Again, congrats to Crystal and I can't wait to get started on something for you!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Last Day

Today is the your last chance to enter the giveaway I have going on right now. Go HERE and leave a comment if you want to be entered for a chance to win something sewn by me.

I have things to post but I am heading out for a couple hours. Hopefully I will have some time later to get some stuff up here. How was everyone's weekend? Hopefully it was good. I FINALLY wore a dress I got from our church rummage sale where everything was free. I needed a slip for it and finally got one. I brought my camera to church and was going to have my SIL take some pictures for me after to church so y'all could see how freaking cute it was but alas we had mishap. We walked into church and sat down. About 30 seconds later Kayla started fussing and wanted down. I bent down to set her on the floor and I heard a rip! CRAP! Then about 30 seconds later ( as church was JUST starting ) Tyler pokes me and says, "Mom I have to go potty". we go to the bathroom and I check my dress and sure enough there was a hole in the seem RIGHT over my butt! My purse with my cars keys is IN the chapel. DOH! I had to walk in, grab my purse and walk out. Then GO HOME ( which is only 3 blocks away but STILL ) get the kids out of the car, change my clothes, back in the car and back into church in a NEW outfit. I wonder how many people noticed....

I always wonder why those kinds of things happen when Cody is out of town. Had he been there I could have just snuck home and changed without bringing the kids and dragging them in and out of the car. Oh well.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I Luv Country Boys

I bought this shirt after I had Tyler because my clothes didn't fit. It was 5 bucks at Walmart and one of the only shirts there I was willing to wear. It said, "I Luv Country Boys"

Not the best picture of me but there is the shirt. A couple of months ago I was going through all my clothes and was trying to get rid of crappy shirts like this I didn't wear any more. I decide I wanted to try and turn this one into a romper for Kayla. I got one she already had and cut away at my shirt in the shape of the romper. Then I put it off to the side and NEVER finished it. This was in APRIL. I FINALLY got it out on Thursday and decided this was the day to figure it out. And I did. It only took like a half an hour too. I was not hopeful it was gonna work so I didn't take pictures along the way for a tutorial. Opps! maybe we will make another one. Here it is on my girl

I LOVE how the neck is slightly big so it would kind of drift to one shoulder. I don't have a snap press so I did something cray on the bottom. VELCRO! My friend told me she had a romper with Velcro on the bottom and she said she loved it because it was so easy to open. It works well. I made the strip too long though because it you notice it looks like it is riding up her. It actually isn't but the Velcro is stiff and doesn't bend with her body. I also want to make the legs cute and gather them a little. Hopefully I will get around to doing to BEFORE NOVEMBER! :)

I have another project in the works with this salon wrap.

Isn't the fabric cute? I got two of these salon wraps in Utah last November for like 50 cents each. Here is the other one I already turned into a diaper bag which I don't use any more HERE I need to find someone who wants it!

Any ways. I am making another purse but I think this one is going to be SO cute! I can't wait until it is done. Hopefully by tomorrow. Crossing my fingers. You've got two more days to enter the sewing giveaway to celebrate my one year anniversary of sewing! WOO HOO sewing machines! Hope y'all have a grand weekend and if you live in Texas like me, happy TAX FREE SHOPPING THIS WEEKEND! Another reason to love living in Texas! ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Steering Wheel Cover Tutorial

So who reading this has been HOT lately? Like REALLY hot!? When I was leaving church on Sunday I could barely touch my steering wheel and it occurred to me that back in the day EVERY car seemed to have cute steering wheel covers just for that purpose. That is when I got the brilliant idea to make one. How hard could it be right? Then I figured, I'd better make it into a tutorial. I try and keep the tutorials coming if I can and I also try to make them something that is not on 3000 other blogs. I don't understand why anyone does crayon roll tutorials any more sense pretty much everyone who has tutorials on their blog has one! I mean, why go through ALL the trouble when it is already on so many other blogs. When I made my first tutorial on the Bow ties, I did that because I could only find like ONE other one in blog land. Now there are a bunch of them out there and people keep putting them up! I don't really understand that. I don't want to waste my time doing something that I don't need to do. I also want to keep things fresh on here so no one gets bored. I do however LOVE anyone who puts up purse tutorials because each on is different! HA! Bias I know...

Any ways...sorry for the rant there. Steering Wheel covers are SO easy! Like RIDICULOUSLY easy. I was all excited to pick out some cute soft fabric too. Then I thought about my husband. My husband drives any time we go do anything and we always take my car because the car seats are already there. This meant anything with pink ( which is not really me anyways ) OWLS or anything TOO girly was gonna get taken off every time he drove, which when he is home is a lot. I decide that was lame and just made it a solid color. It is also very soft and I LOVE IT! It is however boring and so when I get my hands on some more elastic I am going to make me a better one and just switch it out when my husband drives. Want to see a picture?

Not much, I know, but it does it's job and that is keeping my steering wheel from getting scolded by the sun. Also it is soft. I haven't driven with it yet because I just finished this today so I will let y'all know how it goes tomorrow when I drive.

So who wants to know how to make one? It is SO simple. Go measure your steering wheel. I do not know if all steering wheels are the same but I bet you most vary, slightly. Mine measured in at 47 1/2 inches or so around. it was also about 4 inches or so in thickness. I took my fabric and decided to cut 2 strips at 6 X 25 1/2 inches

The I took the strips and pinned them right sides together on the 6 in side and sewed them together

Once you sew it together, flip it over and sew the other 6 inch side together as well. It should look like a big circle

Don't mind that HUGE pile of crap in the back ground. It is my card board begging to be recycled. Our recycling center isn't open during the week unless you call and make an appointment and open only every other Saturday. Let's just say this LAST Saturday was the day and I forgot.

back to the tutorial. Now you need to make casing for the elastic. This will depend on the size of your elastic AND what kind of fabric you choose. I picked a fabric that doesn't fray so I only folded mine over once. If you need to fold your over twice, you may want to cut your fabric 7 inches instead of 6. The I folded over about half an inch and sewed ALL the way around one side of the circle until I got about 2 inches from where I started.

The opening should look like this

Remember if you have a fabric that is going to fray what you should do is fold over your fabric and sew it down and then fold it over again and sew it down. This way it will not fray because the cut side will be tucked away. Just make sure you leave it big enough for your elastic to fit through.

Grab your elastic and put a safety pin on the end of it like so

Stick the safety pin inside the casing and feed it through but make sure to not let the other end go all the way inside the casing or you will have to pull it out and start over.

Feed the safety pin out the other side of the hole

What I normally do at this point is safety pin the two together so I don't lose one end and have to re-do it. Go ahead and do the other side the exact same way. Next sew the elastic pieces together. I always over lap them an inch of two and do a zig zag stitch 3 or 4 times up and down. Next, sew the hole closed and you are good to go! Should look like this when it is all done

Cute right? Now go try it on your car! It should fit perfect! OH I TOTALLY FORGOT SOMETHING! I didn't tell you how long my elastic was. DUH! I cut mine 24 inches which was about half the size of my steering wheel all the way around. So let's go over the measurements and materials needed again shall we

cut 2 pieces 6 by 25 1/2 inches
2 pieces of elastic 24 inches long
2 safety pins

If you make one with cute fabric I totally want to see. I think I seriously will make me a cute one with skulls or something for when my husband is on trips. I just need to get more elastic because I am ALL out!

Also, at the dollar store I bought something that looks identical to this made out of terry cloth for my hair. It is AWESOME! You put it on your hair line when you are washing your face so your hair doesn't get wet. If you want to make one for yourself, just follow these directions but change the measurements to fit around the circumference of your head and you will thank me later. I always forgot to use mine, but when I DO use it, I am always so happy my bangs didn't get wet!

Promise, Promises

I promised a new giveaway this week. Since it is Thursday, I guess I should get around to doing that! haha I have been SO lazy. And tired. If my husband could still get me pregnant I would totally wonder because I have just been feeling really tired and off. My sister said it is the coming home from vacation thing which puts us in that odd funk and I would have to agree with her. Normally when my husband leaves on a trip I clean like crazy and have a bunch of projects going and I am busy. This time he left and the house got messier and messier...good thing I am baby sitting my friends kids today because that is what FINALLY gave me the motivation to clean my house. Even then it is still not spotless. Alas I must find the energy to get some stuff done!

Leave me a comment here if you would like to win a hand sewn item from me! When the winner is picked I will let them choose between a wallet, purse, hair bow or a eye glasses case like the one I made HERE.

This time let's make it a little more interesting. I only had 19 people enter the giveaway last time which was still nice for my first time. This time, I would like to make it a better competition. SOOOOOOOO leave a comment for your first entry! If you want to have another entry and another shot at winning, become a follower. Already a follower, just leave another comment and say, "I already am a follower!" You must leave a comment for each. Want one more? Blog about the giveaway linking back here and I will give you a third entry. WOO HOO Again, just remember to leave another comment. Don't feel like a stalker ( that is how I felt trying to win the silhouette cutter a few weeks ago! haha I was leaving a million comments on each blog giving them away. Over the next few days I will add some new patterns I just bought over the week. When the time comes to announce the winner, you can pick on the the patterns I bought as your thing I will make you. Also do you remember I bought a bunch of fabric a month ago? I have only used one TINY little scrap of one piece. You will get choice of which ever two fabrics you want! WOO HOO

Since I started the giveaway a little late in the week, I am giving y'all over the weekend to get your comments down for a chance to win. Tuesday the 24rd I will be announcing the winner so comments must be left by midnight on MOnday the 23rd. So get to comment leaving for your chance to win a personalized purse, wallet, eye glasses case or hair bow. Let the competition BEGIN! Happy Thursday Y'all!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PJ Bottoms

My boy had been BEGGING me to make him some new PJ bottoms out of some Tom and Jerry fabric that I bought about 4 months ago. Sheesh. That was a while ago. Poor kid. I FINALLY decided to bust out the fabric and make them for him. They turned out really cute and boy does he love them. I made them extra long since my boy grows so fast. He is only 4 and a half and weights 54 pounds.

Can you tell that last pose for all him? haha Look how tan he is from two days at the beach. He for sure has his daddy's skin.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Having One of THOSE Moments

Who here was into Jeff Foxworthy back in the day? His first stand up that came out we had on cassette tape ( I realize that dates me a little ) but we used to listen to it ALL the time. I can quote the WHOLE thing word for word. One of my favorite parts was when he was talking about the people who have ugly babies and LOVE to show off pictures of them. He said, "They would always spring them on you first thing in the morning and I'd be like, 'Sh@t! I ain't had coffee yet, don't do that!" Made me laugh every time. Of course we always turned the volume down on the cuss word. heehee The reason why I thought of this tonight is not because I saw a picture of an ugly baby. Nor did I say the "S" word BUT I did have one of those moments where I saw something and it freaked me out. Does anyone else everything think, "I look pretty good today." I do this occasionally. A lot of times it is because I am going some where and made sure I dressed nice, put on make up, did my hair know. Usually there are pictures involved as well. Do you ever see pictures from that night and think, "Wow I look fat!" I HATE that!! I have been feeling pretty good lately. I have been able to lose 35 pounds since Kayla was born. At first it was just me eating less and exercising and then the last little bit was because I started doing the South Beach diet ( which I HIGHLY recommend! It not only gives you instant results but also teaches you had to eat for the rest of your life. ) I know all this should be enough but sometimes I just have those moments of "CRAP!" I see myself in a picture or something and realize I still have a lot of work to do. I was never SKINNY. I was always just normal. I don't want to be skinny either but I DO want to feel good about myself. I have been feeling WAY better about my body and I know I just need to keep on going and ignore the unflattering pictures that pop up now and then. Usually the mirror is kind to me but through the lens I gain like 10 pounds!

So why the blog? I just felt like putting it out there. I know MOST people feel this way at some point in their life. I know what is really important is that I have a family who loves me, a husband who thinks I am sexy and I am constantly trying to better myself. Those things do make me happy. I just wish I didn't have to shop in the plus size section any more. Honestly, I wish ANY section would fit me. Right now I am at the awkward too fat for regular clothes but too skinny for fat girl clothes. What's up with that? My pants are either falling off, or too tight and giving me the muffin top. Please someone who designs clothes who reads this, invent a size for us in betweeners who want to look good to. That would be excellent.

I am going to end this blog on a positive note though. I have a trick I would like to share with y'all on a simple way to healthy up your salad. I know salads are pretty healthy but we DO add things to them to ruin all the veggies we are consuming. One of those things is croutons. They are just so freaking good though!! I don't want to eat a salad without them. My husband thought of this and bless his heart because I HAVE to have this on my salad at home now. By some WHEAT ROLLS! Not white rolls, WHEAT ROLLS. It is best if they say 100% wheat on them. Cut them in half, add a little butter, some garlic salt and some parsley flakes. STick them in the oven and over cook them. DON'T BURN THEM, just over cook them so they are hard. Cut them up and add them to your salad. AWESOME! Look how good they look...

I celebrate the weight I have lost and look forward to hopefully losing at least 10 or 15 more pounds. I was going to post some pictures of what I looked like right after I had Kayla but they are on my hard drive, so another day...

Good night y'all! Happy dreams

Good Old Texas

The Texas post are not to offend anyone. So please do not take it the wrong way. If you are a native Texan's, you probably just don't get a odd it is to have a state so proud of their shape and flag. Seriously. I LOVE that Texan's are so proud though. Most of the ones who are so proud to be Texan's are also SO proud to be an American and that is one of the things I admire most about the people here.

When at the store on Saturday I stopped by the chip isle JUST to get these pictures because I knew these products would be there.

My SIL gets these for her husband all the time because he is one of those proud Texan's. He LOVES all the Texas shaped stuff. He didn't grow up here but he got here as soon as he could ;)

Then I found these by the chips

These had things like the Texas Star, Cowboy boots, the Texas shape, cowboy hats, an armadillo...just kidding on the last one ( I think! ) Today I ACTUALLY bought something Texas shaped. You will have to wait until I USE it and take pictures to see what it is. It was one I couldn't resist though.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Notice anything different about my blog? I took the Kim and Ender Adoption button down because my sister and her husband have been picked by a mother to be! YEAH! SO exciting! Especially since I will be in Utah when she is due to give birth. I can't wait.

If you know me personally only leave comments on this blog. Please do not say anything on facebook as they have not told everyone yet. They are making a trip out to NYC soon and are going to be telling their friends out there when they get there.

Feeling Lazy

Has anyone else hit the lazy bug? Or is it just me?! I am feeling MIGHTY lazy the last couple of days. I did get something made today. My niece has her first loose tooth. She is worried about it because it hurts a little and so I made her a pillow for her tooth. It didn't turn out as cute as I wanted it to but I think it made Madison happy.

The tooth fits inside the mouth. I got the template from MMMcrafts. Check it out if you are thinking about making one. I basically just went to google and type in tooth pillow or something and it was one of the first things that popped up. Happy hunting and I hope to not be so lazy tomorrow.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Elder Marvin J Ashton said,

"Someone has said, 'A friend is a person who is willing to take me the way I am'. Accepting this as one definition of the word, may I quickly suggest that we are something less then a real friend if we leave a person the same way we find him...

"No greater reward can come to any of us as we serve than a sincere 'Thank you for being my friend'. When those who need assistance find their way back through and with us, it is friendship in action. When the weak are made strong and the strong stronger through our lives, friendship is real. If a man can be judged by his friends, he can also be measured by their heights...

"Yes, a friend is a person who is willing to take me the way I am but who is willing and able to leave me better then he found me"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Giveaway Winner

This morning when I got up I went to the true random number generator and put in our numbers. It came up with number 12! This was Rebekah!

rebekah said...

This is gorgeous!

Yeah Rebekah! I will be emailing you later to get your address so I can get this mailed out to you this week!

Thank you everyone for entering and remember some time this week I am going to be doing a new giveaway for something hand sewn to celebrate my one year anniversary with my sewing machine. I am excited to do this.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Good Ol' Sonic

For those of you who live in a state that does not have Sonic, I am so sad for you. Now it is SO fattening and expensive but boy is it GOOD! We are usually there once a week getting something. I have been feeling like a bad mom who doesn't do anything FUN with her kids any more. It is SO hot here and Kayla is getting to the CRAZY stage where she doesn't want to sit in the shopping cart and be good. She wants to get out and run around like her brother. So Thursday we got up, had breakfast, got dressed and went to the play ground around 9:45ish. Early enough that it wasn't TOO hot yet. We were there about 30 to 40 minutes and boy were my kids faces RED! When it was getting later ( and WAY hot ) I said, "Let's go get ice cream!" That always cheers up a play ground departure. When my boy was little we could play hard at the play ground for an hour and a half and he would still scream bloody murder when it was time to leave. Does this happen to any one else? Let me tell you what ended up working for us. We would always warn him when it was almost time to go. Then once it was time we would say, "Okay playground. See you later." Or "We'll be back tomorrow playground" and we would wave. Sounds corny but this helped SO MUCH! He would usually just kind of welt up with tears but he would scream and kick. Another thing that worked well for us was I would always bring a sippy cup with juice but I would with hold it until it was time to go. So when he would say he needed a drink I would say, "Okay it is time to go home." and he would either change his mind or gladly accept. Sounds mean doesn't it, but if it was really hot like it has been lately, I brought water for the play ground but he didn't get the juice until we were leaving.

Any ways. We went to sonic and Tyler wanted a chocolate shake and I got Kayla an ice cream cone. I said, "Can you make it small because it is for a little girl?!" THIS is what they brought me

Seriously people...HUGE! And it was half melted already when they brought it out to me. I was a little mad too because I wasn't planning on having any. I have been going back to my south beach diet and was doing rather well. After I took at least an inch off of the top and licked the sides I handed it to my girl

Looks even bigger up next to her and she TORE IT UP! She screamed every time I would take it away to lick all the drippings off before they got every where. And I SWEAR they put crack in their ice cream because she was a maniac the rest of the day. Her is a picture I snapped of her while I was trying to eat dinner

Her hair was all over the place, she was on her third outfit and she was trying to climb on top of the table to steal my soda. We don't even let the kids have soda an she still tries to steal it ever chance she gets. What am I gonna do with is a good thing she is also REALLY freaking cute because I think it is what keeps me from killing her sometimes! haha Love that face...

From my Phone

Don't you hate when you take a picture with your phone with every intention of posting it or doing something with it and then it just sits on your phone. I JUST saved some pictures on my lap top to post. First and for most

This was my breakfast ever morning on vacation. I think this is HILARIOUS! Texas makes me laugh because what other state has their State shaped stuff?!? Seriously....can you think of one? I bet most people don't even know what their state flag looks like. Here they are EVERY WHERE! I like that Texans are PROUD to be Texans but sometimes it is a little ridiculous what you can find shaped like Texas. Also, the Texas stars are EVERY WHERE! I am going to start collecting pictures of Texas shaped things or the Texas Star in weird places. On my family blog I started posting pictures and called them "Only in Texas" So I am going to start doing this here. It should be interesting...

I was gonna type more and post more random pictures but alas, my SIL just informed me she is home from work early which means I get to go eat yummy Mexican food! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I hope everyone is having a great Friday. Ours has been pretty good. Nice and relaxing so far. HAPPY Friday the 13th for ME.

Beach Pictures

I took a couple of good pictures of the beach while in Corpus Christi. I haven't posted any on this blog yet so I thought I would post a couple for y'all to enjoy.

I have some more nice ones that I just haven't shrunk yet so maybe one of these days I will get around to it