Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PJ Bottoms

My boy had been BEGGING me to make him some new PJ bottoms out of some Tom and Jerry fabric that I bought about 4 months ago. Sheesh. That was a while ago. Poor kid. I FINALLY decided to bust out the fabric and make them for him. They turned out really cute and boy does he love them. I made them extra long since my boy grows so fast. He is only 4 and a half and weights 54 pounds.

Can you tell that last pose for all him? haha Look how tan he is from two days at the beach. He for sure has his daddy's skin.


  1. both SOO cute - the pants and the darling little man!

  2. Katie-

    You MUST make some of those for Brielle.... she is IN LOVE with that show!!

  3. Crystal, I WISH I could make her some but I only bought a yard and all I have left is scraps. BUT I could make her a hair clip or something with what is left over.
