Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Having One of THOSE Moments

Who here was into Jeff Foxworthy back in the day? His first stand up that came out we had on cassette tape ( I realize that dates me a little ) but we used to listen to it ALL the time. I can quote the WHOLE thing word for word. One of my favorite parts was when he was talking about the people who have ugly babies and LOVE to show off pictures of them. He said, "They would always spring them on you first thing in the morning and I'd be like, 'Sh@t! I ain't had coffee yet, don't do that!" Made me laugh every time. Of course we always turned the volume down on the cuss word. heehee The reason why I thought of this tonight is not because I saw a picture of an ugly baby. Nor did I say the "S" word BUT I did have one of those moments where I saw something and it freaked me out. Does anyone else everything think, "I look pretty good today." I do this occasionally. A lot of times it is because I am going some where and made sure I dressed nice, put on make up, did my hair pretty...you know. Usually there are pictures involved as well. Do you ever see pictures from that night and think, "Wow I look fat!" I HATE that!! I have been feeling pretty good lately. I have been able to lose 35 pounds since Kayla was born. At first it was just me eating less and exercising and then the last little bit was because I started doing the South Beach diet ( which I HIGHLY recommend! It not only gives you instant results but also teaches you had to eat for the rest of your life. ) I know all this should be enough but sometimes I just have those moments of "CRAP!" I see myself in a picture or something and realize I still have a lot of work to do. I was never SKINNY. I was always just normal. I don't want to be skinny either but I DO want to feel good about myself. I have been feeling WAY better about my body and I know I just need to keep on going and ignore the unflattering pictures that pop up now and then. Usually the mirror is kind to me but through the lens I gain like 10 pounds!

So why the blog? I just felt like putting it out there. I know MOST people feel this way at some point in their life. I know what is really important is that I have a family who loves me, a husband who thinks I am sexy and I am constantly trying to better myself. Those things do make me happy. I just wish I didn't have to shop in the plus size section any more. Honestly, I wish ANY section would fit me. Right now I am at the awkward too fat for regular clothes but too skinny for fat girl clothes. What's up with that? My pants are either falling off, or too tight and giving me the muffin top. Please someone who designs clothes who reads this, invent a size for us in betweeners who want to look good to. That would be excellent.

I am going to end this blog on a positive note though. I have a trick I would like to share with y'all on a simple way to healthy up your salad. I know salads are pretty healthy but we DO add things to them to ruin all the veggies we are consuming. One of those things is croutons. They are just so freaking good though!! I don't want to eat a salad without them. My husband thought of this and bless his heart because I HAVE to have this on my salad at home now. By some WHEAT ROLLS! Not white rolls, WHEAT ROLLS. It is best if they say 100% wheat on them. Cut them in half, add a little butter, some garlic salt and some parsley flakes. STick them in the oven and over cook them. DON'T BURN THEM, just over cook them so they are hard. Cut them up and add them to your salad. AWESOME! Look how good they look...

I celebrate the weight I have lost and look forward to hopefully losing at least 10 or 15 more pounds. I was going to post some pictures of what I looked like right after I had Kayla but they are on my hard drive, so another day...

Good night y'all! Happy dreams

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