Monday, August 30, 2010

Camera Fun!

I have been having a GRAND old time with my camera the last couple of days! I found this web site that does a photo scavenger hunt every month. I found it on Friday through the Trendy Treehouse blog hop ( well, I found a blog who was doing it and THAT lead me to the actual web site ). Friday was the 26 or 27th...and instead of seeing it was a monthly thing and thinking, "Sweet, the next one will start soon!" I say, "YES! I STILL have time to do this one" Silly me! So now I only have ONE more day to get all of my pictures done. I am almost done any ways but I do still need to get a few pictures. The web site is HERE If you are like me you can go there and sign up and do it all in one day! haha Or you can wait until Wednesday when another month's up to you.

Then I found ANOTHER wed site that does photo contest and challenges. This has a challenge right now for self portraits. I have taken taken 3 and I am trying to decide on which one to use. That web site is Here. Check it out and play along!

This weekend I went yard saling! I NEVER do this. My husband is gone a lot and I don't want to drag the kids around in the heat. For SOME reason I just really wanted to an my wonderful SIL was game. I found the BEST stuff. One of which is this CUTE skirt I wore to church and made my SIL take a picture of me.

Then I had her take this one for my husband! haha

I have SO many pictures exactly like this. I love my butt and for some reason that was something my sisters and I always did. I should dig out a bunch of pictures an make a montage of my behind...not that any one other then my husband would like to see it.

Any ways I got the skirt for either 1 or 2 dollars and it is actually a suit with a jacket. I bought both but I don't like wearing suits together. The skirt is actually big on me and after wearing all during church I realized I need to take it in before I wear it again but for a dollar it was SO WORTH IT!

Now check out this darling skirt I got for my girl

She was my little cow girl at church this week. Cheetah cow girl boots, jean skirt and some pig tails. She was STYLING. This skirt is darling up close and after looking at it is gonna be SO easy to make out of pants that don't fit her any more. You better believe I am trying this and SOON! When I do, I promise to do a tutorial.

And last but certainly not least, I did a new born photo shoot today for my friend whose maternity pictures I posted a while back. Check out the cute baby

Ain't he adorable!?!?! The one of him with the flower is special. Her brother is serving a mission for our church and not only missed the wedding, but the baby being born. He gets home in a couple of months but she wanted to do something for him to include him. The flower her brother gave her for her birthday right before he left on his mission. I thought it was a great idea for her to bring it and the baby was gripping onto that thing as tight as he could.

Well, I must go for now. I should have gone to bed a while ago but I must say if you are still reading this you are awesome. I think I have my "business" name narrowed down to two! Tomorrow I HOPE to write another post and see what everyone thinks. That to everyone who left feed back the last time. Good night


  1. You are looking so skinny! I was just thinking how fun it will be to have you here and able to help me with pictures. We want to do a family photo shoot with Jacob and Jen and you'll be here. YAY!

  2. First of all you made my day with the skinny comment! haha AND I had already thought about being there to take pictures for you! That was one of the FIRST things I though of after I realized I would be there. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE I can't wait.

  3. I second that "SKINNY" comment! I'm waaaaaay waaaaay waaaaaaaaaaay jealous. Congrats! I'm excited we'll all be together for baby Jacob's arrival! It's perfect :)
