Thursday, August 19, 2010

Promise, Promises

I promised a new giveaway this week. Since it is Thursday, I guess I should get around to doing that! haha I have been SO lazy. And tired. If my husband could still get me pregnant I would totally wonder because I have just been feeling really tired and off. My sister said it is the coming home from vacation thing which puts us in that odd funk and I would have to agree with her. Normally when my husband leaves on a trip I clean like crazy and have a bunch of projects going and I am busy. This time he left and the house got messier and messier...good thing I am baby sitting my friends kids today because that is what FINALLY gave me the motivation to clean my house. Even then it is still not spotless. Alas I must find the energy to get some stuff done!

Leave me a comment here if you would like to win a hand sewn item from me! When the winner is picked I will let them choose between a wallet, purse, hair bow or a eye glasses case like the one I made HERE.

This time let's make it a little more interesting. I only had 19 people enter the giveaway last time which was still nice for my first time. This time, I would like to make it a better competition. SOOOOOOOO leave a comment for your first entry! If you want to have another entry and another shot at winning, become a follower. Already a follower, just leave another comment and say, "I already am a follower!" You must leave a comment for each. Want one more? Blog about the giveaway linking back here and I will give you a third entry. WOO HOO Again, just remember to leave another comment. Don't feel like a stalker ( that is how I felt trying to win the silhouette cutter a few weeks ago! haha I was leaving a million comments on each blog giving them away. Over the next few days I will add some new patterns I just bought over the week. When the time comes to announce the winner, you can pick on the the patterns I bought as your thing I will make you. Also do you remember I bought a bunch of fabric a month ago? I have only used one TINY little scrap of one piece. You will get choice of which ever two fabrics you want! WOO HOO

Since I started the giveaway a little late in the week, I am giving y'all over the weekend to get your comments down for a chance to win. Tuesday the 24rd I will be announcing the winner so comments must be left by midnight on MOnday the 23rd. So get to comment leaving for your chance to win a personalized purse, wallet, eye glasses case or hair bow. Let the competition BEGIN! Happy Thursday Y'all!


  1. ok so I'm totally excited about this giveaway!!!!!! am i so lame that I'm the first person who comments? I mean the first person never ever wins, Katie can you just skip the giveaway and give everything to me please???!!!! lol...

  2. Already posted your giveaway on my blog, so I get another chance at winning!!!! wooohoooo!!!!!!

  3. I wanna win!

  4. New blog follower, thanks to sassy crafter!

  5. This would be fun to get!

  6. I am already a follower and I love your blog!

  7. This is a great giveaway! Glad I was able to find you site!

  8. I would love to win anything handmade!

  9. Thanks for watching the Kiddos! Your house looked better when we arrived than when we left. LOL!

  10. You sweetheart! Love your guts!

    I always need a vacation vacation too!

    Your whole life seems like a vacation, you are always going to Utah and making me jealous! :)
