Monday, August 23, 2010

Last Day

Today is the your last chance to enter the giveaway I have going on right now. Go HERE and leave a comment if you want to be entered for a chance to win something sewn by me.

I have things to post but I am heading out for a couple hours. Hopefully I will have some time later to get some stuff up here. How was everyone's weekend? Hopefully it was good. I FINALLY wore a dress I got from our church rummage sale where everything was free. I needed a slip for it and finally got one. I brought my camera to church and was going to have my SIL take some pictures for me after to church so y'all could see how freaking cute it was but alas we had mishap. We walked into church and sat down. About 30 seconds later Kayla started fussing and wanted down. I bent down to set her on the floor and I heard a rip! CRAP! Then about 30 seconds later ( as church was JUST starting ) Tyler pokes me and says, "Mom I have to go potty". we go to the bathroom and I check my dress and sure enough there was a hole in the seem RIGHT over my butt! My purse with my cars keys is IN the chapel. DOH! I had to walk in, grab my purse and walk out. Then GO HOME ( which is only 3 blocks away but STILL ) get the kids out of the car, change my clothes, back in the car and back into church in a NEW outfit. I wonder how many people noticed....

I always wonder why those kinds of things happen when Cody is out of town. Had he been there I could have just snuck home and changed without bringing the kids and dragging them in and out of the car. Oh well.


  1. I know I've got stuff from you but I LOVE IT! Yes, please :)

  2. Lauren go to the link I have in this post and click on it and leave a comment there. That is where I am doing the giveaway from and that way you will have a spot on the list in the right order or whatever. if that doesn't make sense let me know...but go leave me a comment on THAT post. I know I have things I keep promising to sew you any ways huh ;) haha

  3. This is totally funny! I love it!
