Monday, December 13, 2010

Only In Texas

Well, I am sad to say my "Only in Texas" post will be ending shortly BUT I have one for y'all!  We had a yard sale on Saturday and this old man stops.  He does a walk through and then goes straight over to Cody and asks, "Do you have any fishing equipment, knives or guns?"  Cody says, "Nope."  and he says, "Okay thanks." and gets in his car and leaves!  HAHA  Only in Texas. 


Anonymous said...

Katie! Sad that you are leaving our great state and that the "Only in Texas" series will be no more! I have gotten such a kick out of the things you've shared! Gives such a funny perspective to things I never noticed! Love it!
PS - thanks for the tip on marketing a garage sale. If I'm gonna have one, I'd better round up some fishing poles and guns if I want a good turn out! ha!

Sarah @ Sugar Bananas said...

hehehe - I think my favorite was the guy driving through the drive-thru on his tractor. Katie, I'll keep your "Only In Texas" series going. I'm sure I'll witness plenty! We're gonna miss you guys like crazy!!!

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