Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Wallet

When I made my mom the purse for her birthday seen here I told her I would make her some kind of wallet with the left over fabric. Well, like it took me a month or two to do the purse, naturally I didn't get around to making the wallet until she called to complain that she lost her library card and a credit card because I STILL hadn't done the wallet. Opps! SOOOOO this is what I came up with

I like it in theory but once it was put together I wasn't as happy with it. It is cute but there are things I would do differently the second time around. This wallet is based off of the one I got from my friend for my birthday back in April here. I dont' have a pattern for it but just use the finished one she gave me as a template. The pattern that she has she speaks very highly of and if I remember correctly, if you lay it out the right way you can get 5 or 6 wallets out of one yard of fabric. Awesome.

So Mom, I hope you like your if only I could get to the post office to mail it to you! :)

Party Button


  1. I think it turned out cute!

  2. I think you need to make me one for my birthday. Mom was making fun of my wallet the other day, just like you did last time you were here. I like this one but I like the one you have more for me. This one seems to small for the amount of stuff I keep in my wallet. Didn't you make yours?

  3. awwwww katie! adorable wallet....thanks for stopping by my blog. i will start to follow you, once i can get to my home computer. work, is silly. they wont allow access to 'follow'.....ahhhh....if only i was independently wealthy~then i wouldnt need to be at work, right?!?
    have a great friday...i am off to look at the rest of your blog!!!xoxo

  4. oh I love it! how about a TUTORIAL Katie???!!! I would love to make one for my YW and my oldest kid....

  5. Kim the wallet I have is a really easy pattern I got for free on line that I bet you could totally make. OR we can make one to match your diaper bag when I come to Utah.

    Mrs. Sassy Crafter, I will TRY and do a tutorial. It might take a week or two. I STILL have to make the purse for my giveaway I had like 2 weeks ago! haha

  6. I think its too cute! Love the buttons... can't wait to see the purse your making me!

  7. Crystal I am working on it I swear. I am having issues with matching fabrics! haha The pattern wants me to use 4 different patterns but I think I am just gonna cut it down to 3 to make matters easier. HOPEFULLY another week or so and I will be done.

  8. I really like the looks of this wallet. Fun colors. I hope you Mom likes it.

    Visting from New Friend Friday.
