Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are You Kidding Me

Nope, I am not dead, just been busy. We have been having one of those weeks. Lots of running around trying to get things done and almost always along the way with lots of mishaps. I am actually going to be coping and pasting an exert from our family blog so I don't have to re-type it! ENJOY. It is bound to make you laugh your butt off!

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Are You Kidding ME?
This is what I said to Tyler last night as I walked into the bathroom to get him out of the tub and saw that he had pooped a little in the bath tub! After having a particularly rough day with him due to a LOT Of whining on his part, it pouring rain out side the better part of the day and us needing to run around and get some errands done I was exhausted when we got home after 5. I was also not feeling well with a burning throat due to allergies.

He had had gas while playing and I said, "Do you need to go potty?" He assured me he didn't and it was just gas. He has NEVER pooped in the bath tub before. I told him if he did poop in the bath tub I was putting him straight to bed! I got Kayla out of the bath tub ( thank goodness! ) and was TRYING to put her diaper on as she continued to kicked me repeatedly ( she is having some private parts issues ) and I hear Tyler starts to yell "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM". I yell back, "In a minute Tyler!" I didn't think anything of it. He does this 50 times day if he thinks I am not fast enough. He continue to yells for me and finally as I am walking through the kitchen I yell something back about I'm coming be PATIENT! I walk in the bath room and he says, "I had an accident"

"Are you kidding me Tyler!" You could tell me was upset. I told him to get out and sit on the potty. Basically his tummy was upset and when he was yelling for me he had to GO RIGHT THEN! I have told him a thousand plus times not to get out of the bath tub by himself and to WAIT for mommy. Well, he waited alright so I really couldn't be mad or punish him for my slowness. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

I get him dressed and go into the living room to finish what I was doing. I had a photo shoot on Friday and the girl I did pictures for wanted me to put some up on my photography blog so she could see some. I was in the middle of doing this. Normally I don't do stuff like that in the middle of us taking a baths and what not but we had been without internet all day due to the rain and I had been trying to get the blog posted for almost 2 hours. I was about to hit "publish" and I notice that Kayla is gone and I could hear her making unfamiliar noises off in the distance. I thought to myself, "Oh no, I hope she isn't in side of the bath tub playing!" She LOVES the bath tub. She will crawl in that thing morning noon or night and just sit and play with her toys. She tries to get her alphabet letters to sticks even though they are not wet and has tons of fun knocking down all of mommy's shampoo and what not.

silly me finishes doing what I am doing which took about TWO extra minutes ( oh by the way, Cody was doing homework while all of this was happening so he really couldn't be of any help! ) I get up and start to walk down the kitchen and into the hall way. Nope, she isn't in her room or Tyler's and that leaves the bathroom. I slowly turn my head in that direction and again exclaim, "Are you KIDDING me!" She had NOT found her way into the bat tub THANK GOODNESS since there was poop still in it but instead went straight for the toilet. Now you are probably picturing her with her arms in it or something but oh no! Not my girl. She is special so she figured out how to actually get INSIDE of the potty and was sitting in it! You should have seen her face when I caught her! I am sure she would say the same thing about mine if she could talk.

PRICELESS. If only my camera had been handy...

So THIS is exactly how my whole week has been going. I DID manage to get a T I N Y bit of sewing done the other day. I will post pictures in a separate post. Hopefully that made you laugh because if anything, my life annoyances should be for your entertainment or they just stay announces. It is SO much better to laugh about stuff like this rather then get mad. SO laugh it up but just remember to be sure to post about it when your kid does it so I can laugh too! :)

1 comment:

  1. Well you are not the only one that has a kid who pooped in the bathtub, it happened to one of my kids about two months ago, it was terrible for me, it was also one of those days that you just want to get under the blankets and put ear plugs in, and just not listen to anybody, so I totally understand....isn't curious that everytime one has a bad day the children do something to make it either better or worst???
