Friday, August 13, 2010

From my Phone

Don't you hate when you take a picture with your phone with every intention of posting it or doing something with it and then it just sits on your phone. I JUST saved some pictures on my lap top to post. First and for most

This was my breakfast ever morning on vacation. I think this is HILARIOUS! Texas makes me laugh because what other state has their State shaped stuff?!? Seriously....can you think of one? I bet most people don't even know what their state flag looks like. Here they are EVERY WHERE! I like that Texans are PROUD to be Texans but sometimes it is a little ridiculous what you can find shaped like Texas. Also, the Texas stars are EVERY WHERE! I am going to start collecting pictures of Texas shaped things or the Texas Star in weird places. On my family blog I started posting pictures and called them "Only in Texas" So I am going to start doing this here. It should be interesting...

I was gonna type more and post more random pictures but alas, my SIL just informed me she is home from work early which means I get to go eat yummy Mexican food! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I hope everyone is having a great Friday. Ours has been pretty good. Nice and relaxing so far. HAPPY Friday the 13th for ME.


PaTcHwOrK jEnN said...

You could have saved yourself gas money and just come to my house for Texas shaped waffles. I might even make you some Texas ice with my Texas rainwater if you are nice! FYI if you want your own Texas waffle iron, they are at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Enjoy thepatio. We are going there tomorrow maybe...

Katie said...

Um I have NOT seen the ice cubs yet. haha I think the Texas stuff is fun and I am always looking for it because Kurt LOVES it! I just don't want it in MY house. heehee

Anonymous said...

I am a VERY proud Texan, but have to agree a bit with you on the "over the top-ness" we Texans go to with regards to the flag and the star. I have a star in my house, but am planning to silver leaf it so it won't look so Texan-y! Glad you're enjoying our great state though!

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