Saturday, January 15, 2011

Venting A Little...

Hello everyone!  I have been browsing blogs and etsy a lot lately looking for things I like about people's advertising, logos, set up of their shop, know research because I am about to open up my shop!  I got my logo made up thanks to my friend Jason, whom I have known since I was like 6 or something and had TOTALLY forgot he did graphic designs!  DUH!  It wasn't until his wife left me a comment to remind me.  I think it is so funny how I have so many male friends who, once they got married, I am not friends with their wives and hardly talk to them!  heehee

ANYWAYS- I REALLY don't understand sometimes what makes a blog popular?  I know if basically comes down to either REALLY awesome NEW, fresh ideas OR ( unfortunately )  butt kissing and networking!  I barely have time to make the crafts and post them on here but to have to network with other craft bloggers all day everyday is just too much sometimes.  When I do, my numbers go up. When I don't, they stay the same whether I am posting everyday or not. I think it is HIGHLY annoying when some big blog with thousands of followers says, "Check out this new blog I found" and I go there and yes, cute blog...but NOTHING is original and I am left thinking, why did they feature this blog for being NEW?  Does anyone else feel that way ever?  Like, there are certain tutorials that have been on EVERYONE'S blog so why waste time doing them and yet,  people are STILL posting them on their blogs.  Stuff like that irritates me.  I don't know why.  Mainly because I guess if I am going to have a "popular" blog where people come to get good ideas or learn or enjoy my crafting, I want it to be because some of my stuff is original and not the SAME thing everyone else is doing too.  That being said,  am about to jump on one band wagon which is the feather hair clips.  I found them to be so freaking cute, yet I would never wear one.  Isn't that weird?  Does anyone else ever find themselves loving something even though they themselves would never own one and wear one?  I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that my hair is short and I think the clips look weird on me.  Then other thing is that I go to walmart and the post office and so where the heck am I gonna wear this cute feather clip too?  I can just picture me in my PJ's around the house vacuuming with this awesome clip in my hair and NO make up on.

I am working on some tutorials right now and hoping to get my etsy site up and running within another week or two. I have the logo and now I need to work on making me some tags for my stuff and some hair clip holders to clip them onto.  I also hate the crafting and selling means doing all this other crap too but if my stuff starts selling I will be happy and it will be totally worth it!


  1. I kind of feel the same way you do. I get tired of having to "lure" people to the blog. I haven't made a tutorial in forever, I have just been creating for fun and sharing what I am doing. I'm much happier that way.

    Can't wait to see your clips and I say wear one in your p.j.'s while vacuuming! :)

  2. Yep, I decided I don't blog for numbers. And that is okay by me. I am not going to bribe people to follow me and well if they want to they will.

  3. katie I kind of feel the same way sometimes, but then I realize that I have posted stuff on my blog that maybe somebody else has on their blog too, I just think that many bloggers have a different way to make the same shirt (just an example), but I get what you say, even the most popular blog has stuff that other blogs have too, but I agree with you, the same happens to my blog, and I would get so bitter about it, until one day I thought to myself "am I having this blog for people to follow me or to show what I can make?" and then I got to the conclusion that def, is for people to follow me haha, just kidding! but seriously is to show others what I do, even if somebody else has it on their blog, I don't really care, if I made it I show it, if I make it from somebody else's blog then I show it and give credit to that person, but don't worry Katie we have all felt this way before or will feel that way sometime....have a great Sunday...(wow this comment was long, and now I just made it longer :S )
