Sunday, January 16, 2011


I don't blog for numbers either.  I started out this blog for me and my friends to write things I didn't want to put on my family blog.  I didn't even put anything craft related on here until after 20 something post or something.  It became a crafting blog once I got my sewing machine.  I actually don't want it to be a "craft" blog but a blog with a little bit of everything. Most of the time the crafting takes over just because that's what I chose to share with every one.  I was more frustrating that someone who has a blog that I don't consider that great or entertaining or unique, seems to pick up readers like crazy.  Thanks for your comments though.  I appreciate it.  Sometimes it is nice to vent because I know others feel the same and it helps.  :)

ON a side note I was TOTALLY freaking out yesterday.  We FINALLY got our table and chairs delivered which meant I could FINALLY sew!  WOO HOO  I had cut a bunch of stuff out this week and it was all ready to go.  I got out my sewing machine and the foot petal wasn't with it!!!!  I started looking in all the places I thought it might be packed still and was coming up with a whole lot of nothing!  I was gonna cry because I have been DYING to sew for weeks.I looked for like two hours and was so frustrated when I finally decided where it might be and it was.  Once I put the kids down for naps I got two things done.  Thankfully both were gonna be tutorials I was planning on adding but one of them ended up needing different measurements.  Hmmmmmm.  And that;s how creating without a pattern goes right?!  Trial and error.  So once I get the measurements right, I will post it.  As far as the other one goes I will hopefully get it up and running soon.

We are going to church for the first time since moving and we looked up our church on line last nigth to figure out where it was and what time it starts and I was so sad.  It doesn't start until 1:30!  That is the WORSE time of day for kids because Kayla takes naps at 2 every day.  She is gonna be fun.  Wish us luck.  I hope everyone else has a great sunday as well!

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