Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Looooooooooooong Overdue

About 5 months ago ( or so it seems ) I was gonna be out of town and needed someone to teach my lesson for me at church. I asked someone to do it and thankfully she said yes. To say thank you I wanted to make her something. She sews too so I wanted to make her something sewing related. I decided to make her a pin cushion. I of course waited until two days before I needed to give it to her to start it. I went on line and I found TONS of pin cushions. Here are some of the ones I found that I liked


There were a couple of others I had on here but when I checked the links, they were no longer there!  Boooo

I had printed out a pattern for one the night before and then realized that there was just not enough time to make the one I wanted to so I settled for a different one. I got a jar of baby food and cleaned it out really well and took the paper off. Then I cut out a circle of fabric and made a ball. Then you glue that to the lid and then glue on some ribbon to hide the mess. That's pretty much it. It turned out REALLY cute! Stupid me forgot to take a picture though. But I wanted to make one for myself. I loved how it was a pin cushion that you could actually put stuff inside of. SO I got out my skull and cross bone fabric and went to town...well sort of. i got EVERYTHING I needed and even cut out a circle and then pushed it to the side. Here I am MONTHS later and still hadn't of done it. Well, yesterday was the day! I made it and as I was going to fill the ball with stuffing I remembered having the debate with myself when I was packing everything if I should take the bag of stuffing, or if I should throw it away because I "never use it!" I looked in a couple of boxes and determined I of course threw it away. What to do now...I had to improvise and so I took so strechy knit that was just sitting in a draw and balled that up and shoved it into the ball I made. Did it work? YES Did it look good? NOPE! BUUUUUUT I got my pin cushion done!

I will give you ONE guess what I found about an hour after I completed this project! haha Go figure

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