Monday, August 9, 2010


We are back from vacation and let me tell you it was a blast! We had some minor glitches but we always do. Thank goodness they were just minor and weren't things that were gonna stop us from having a fun family vacation. Now that we are back my house is a MESS, Kayla has a doctors appointment in a couple of hours ( she is getting shots too! oh JOY! ) and then tomorrow we are taking Daddy to the air port because he has a 3 week business trip. In other words we are HOME but busy for a day or two. I have been having a fun morning trying to catch up on all my blogs I subscribe too. That is always fun and overwhelming all at the same time. I am on my MAC and so I can't post pictures right now but I took about 1200 pictures! HA! I need to go through and fix and shrink them so I can get them up for all to see. For now, I just wanted to say hello, I am back and I have some sewing planned for later this week. I got a couple of new followers while I am gone which took me over the 50 mark! WOO HOO I think that calls for a giveaway don't you?! I will post about that later on tonight when we get back from the doctors and are back at home.

HAPPY MONDAY EVERY! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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