Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Left Overs

I LOVE left over fabric from projects. Especially when the project wasn't for me. The purse I did for my niece that I LOVED was mainly because of the fabric. I have a little girl who likes to break my sunglasses. I went through TWO pair this month alone. Okay one was actually my fault. So I had to buy some new ones last week and I have decided she doesn't get to play with mine any more. That called for a sun glasses case and look how cute it turned out using the left over fabric from the buttercup purse

Sorry the picture of the inside is blurry. My house is SOOOOOO dark it makes for crappy pictures. For the inside I used terry cloth so it will be soft on my lenses. I saw a tutorial for a ruffled zipper pouch on Noodlehead and LOVED it! So I basically took that tutorial to do the ruffle outside and then made my own modifications to do the rest. AIn't it cute? I did make it slightly short and had a couple of other minor glitches but all in all I will be proudly sporting it at the BEACH TOMORROW! I am SO excited. I will be gone Wednesday through Sunday to Corpus Cristi here in Texas. We have never been and it kills me to be so far away from the beach. I grew up in Southern California where trips to the beach were fairly frequent. We went at least 4 or 5 times a year not including the one week in August we camped the whole week on the beach. Needless to say I am WAY excited to go to the beach for a couple of days and have Kayla touch the sand and water for the first time. SOOOOO no posting for me for a couple of days. I know you'll miss me, but there are plenty of good blogs to fill the void until then! haha

Peace out and have a great weekend!


  1. I'm a new follower!!!!


  2. LOVE IT!

    I hear ya about a dark house=hard for pictures.

    But it's cooler. That's what is important.

    It's HOT!

    Love your project!

  3. Super cute! I love the fabric.
