Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Sorry I didn't get back to y'all yesterday. We had an interesting evening. Story to follow but first things first, who wants a free canvas print of a beach?!?! I figured since we just got back from our vacation I would celebrate by giving away a picture of the beach on canvas! WOO HOO

The give away is for a 13 X 19 CANVAS print of the picture above. I LOVE this picture. I have this same one blown up in my family room ( well I did until we started remodeling this room and my husband dropped the frame and the glass broke and scratched the picture. ) If you would like to enter the give away, Just leave me a comment below! I plan on doing a sewing give away some time next week to celebrate my 1 year anniversary with my sewing machine!

Any ways...my day yesterday was crazy! I had forgotten that Kayla had her 18 month check up which meant shots! It was also RIGHT during nap time and she was already overly tired from vacation. She was excellent for her appointment but was done being good as soon as we tried to go shopping. It was 4 and we didn't have any food at home, so we decided to go to Target and then eat directly after. Kayla was being a MONKEY! As we were walking out to the car Cody and I debated on what to get for dinner. I really didn't want to do a sit down place because I was worried about Kayla being crazy. Then my husband said, "Maybe she is hungry." he was right. She had lunch WAY early so we decided on BJ's which is a sit down. We went in and sat down and Kayla started crying because I tried to help her with her milk. Then Tyler announces he has to go potty. BOOOOOO I took both of them since she was crying and only wanted mommy. She cried the whole time we were in the bathroom. Just to clarify, when I say CRY, I really mean SCREAM. Like uncontrollable screaming, kicking, arching her back....all that good stuff. We go to sit back down and daddy and went ahead and ordered her food so it would come and maybe she would stop screaming. I try and give her some food and she freaks out. I decided to take her outside. Every one was staring at us probably wondering why I hadn't taken the brat outside yet any ways.

We get outside and she is still out of control. Kicking, screaming, arching her back, throwing herself on the ground...I gave her Tylenol in case her leg hurt or something from the shots. After about 10 minutes I take her back inside and she is still crying. Finally she falls asleep on me and went completely limp. Like, it felt like I was holding fifty pounds and I had gotten a salad. Booooooo

Long story short, she ended up having a hurty tummy. She poop about 6 or 7 times yesterday and normally she poops one or two. She also had some serious diaper rash which didn't help matters. Needless to say I didn't really get back on the internet last night. My husband was leaving again today for another 3 weeks for work so we wanted to have some time to hang out just the two of us before we went to bed. It was a long day.

Today has been slightly better. I am hoping to get some vacation pictures up on facebook and our family blog. Maybe some artsy pictures on my photography blog too. I will share some here as well. I am crossing my fingers.

DON'T FORGOT TO LEAVE ME A COMMENT ABOUT THE CANVAS PRINT! Just so you know on etsy I sell this size for 60 so it is a good FREE item! I will leave the GIVEAWAY open until FRIDAY the 13th which I think is an excellent day to give something away! I will announce the winner on Saturday! Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. oh what a lovely picture, I would love to have that. hope your little one is feeling better

  2. This picture is stunning! I love it!

  3. that is beautiful. I would love that for my grandma.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  4. I have the perfect spot for that! Sorry about Kayla, poor thing.

  5. I absolutely love that photo! It is beautiful with the perspective, sunset and water.

  6. Beautiful picture!! I would love to win!

  7. What a beautiful picture! I would love to have it. There is a perfect spot in my house!


  8. I’m Yoli from Apron Senorita. I'm also from Texas! I found you on Follow Me Wednesday. I’m thrilled to be your new follower. I invite you to visit my blog and follow me back.

    Thanks, Yoli :)

  9. Toni had a link to this on her blog (make it perfect) and i just have to leave a comment and say i love the print and would love to win!
    P.S. I love the one you sent to Toni of the temple too :)

  10. Beautiful picture! I am currently changing out many of the pictures in my home, so this would be perfect! I found you via The Trendy Treehouse linkup! Cute blog! Hope your Friday is fabulous!

  11. This is gorgeous!


  12. This pictures is wonderful! I would love to put it up in my house!

  13. Such a beautiful picture. Right now, I just want to sit on the end of that pier and wile the hours away!

  14. I love this picture it would look great in my house!

  15. My goodness, you had quite the day. Nothing like a good ol' smack of reality to get you out of vacation mode!

    Love the picture, fingers crossed!


    ljs742 at yahoo dot com

  16. What a gorgeous print! I would love to have that hanging in my family room.

  17. Hope I'm not too late! I grew up in a little city called Virginia Beach.. and as the name implies I grew up on going to the beach.. saltwater probably makes up about 35% of my blood!

    Now that I live in Utah -a very landlocked state- I miss the beach, and while this might not be the beach of Virginia, but it's a beach nonetheless! I would love to win the print!
