Saturday, October 15, 2011

Post Poned

I am post poning the announcement of the winners of the give away until tonight or tomorrow.  I had some confusion from a few people on where they were supposed to enter the giveaway and I want to make it fair.  I had people leaving comments on facebook and trying to leave me comments on etsy.  once I get it all straightened out I will put everyone's entries in a hat ( if you had 4 entries then I will put your name in the hat 4 times! ) and then pull a name.  Normally I go off of the order the comments appear on my blog but since that is wrong I gotta do it the old school way.  I promise to get it figured out as soon as possible!  I have things I gotta do this morning and afternoon and then I'll get this taken care of!  Thanks for all those who entered!  You guys rock.  I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.  We took the kids and my friend Kevin to dinner and then we went bowling.  Kayla had never gone before and the last time Tyler went he was 2 so he didn't remember.  We had fun.

Okay I'll be back later with some results!!!

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