Friday, October 14, 2011


Who here is addicted to pinterest?  When the blogging world first started talking about pinterest I had NO clue what it was.  Then I noticed it showing up a couple of times on my STATS for the blog.  I finally decided to figure it out.  I got on it and fell in love immediately.  Then I naturally got both of my sisters hooked and my mom.

Any ways.  I have a board on mine called FLOWERS.  Check it out HERE

I have LOTS of flower tutorials on there.  I also have some under the crafts board that I haven't moved over to the Flower board yet.

If you are wondering what the heck I am talking about and want to join in on the fun of PINTEREST let me know.  I can send you a request to join.  It is so much fun and such a wonderful resource for finding things you need or want.  It is also a great way to share things with people easily.

So take a look under my flower board and find some more great tutorials for flowers.

Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY CLICK HERE  Today is the last day and the contest ends at midnight!  Leave your comments and check back tomorrow to see who wins!

I am off to hit a couple of yard sales with my honey!  We close on our new house any day now and if we don't find some more furniture it's going to look like we spent ALLLLL of the money we had on the house but then couldn't fill it with stuff!  haha  Have a great Friday Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, and the flowers on your Pinterest board, I would like to join... Thanks!
