Saturday, September 10, 2011


I got to sew on Friday and let me tell you it was SO nice!  My friend Sarah has a boy turning 3 who LOVES trains.  I made him a kind of conductor hat with Thomas the train on it.  I like how it turned out and now I am just crossing my fingers it fits!  They live in Texas so I can't just measure his head and make sure it fits.  Cross your fingers for me.  I'll post some pictures of it later.

While I was making the train hat Kayla grabbed it half made and said, "Oh mom I love it!"  So I told her it was not for her but that mommy can make her a new hat too.  She has been carrying around some Dora fabric like it was a blanket and I have been wanting to make her a new dress with it.  Instead I decided to make her a Dora hat!  I LOVE how it came out.

She was NOT into having her pictures taken with it on though.  I gave her my phone because she wanted to do a puzzle and I told her if I let her do a puzzle she needed to let mommy take her pictures.  Can I call a two year old a liar?!  haha  This is what I got

I got great pictures of the top of it!  So I said, "Kayla can you look up at mommy?"  So she did, however she brought the phone up over her face!

I got ONE good one

And then I got the look of death....

Well so much for awesome pictures of the hat but you get the point any ways right!  Oh yeah and I used the Jack and Jill pattern by Izzy and Ivy.  It's a great pattern and now that I have made it 6 or 7 times it gets better every time I make one!

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait. Wouldn't it have been so cute to get them in the same pic with their new hats?! We miss you guys! Kayla's hat is waaaay cute.
