Sunday, September 11, 2011


I remember this day like it was yesterday...

What do you remember from this day?  I am STILL kicking myself that I didn't save any newspapers from this day or any of the days after.  My husband was in Brazil on a mission for our church when this happened and he saved a Brazilian newspaper from this week!  He said it was really crazy being in another country. He said someone came up to him and asked if he was American and then said his country was under attack.  He didn't really believe him.  I'm glad he kept the newspaper!

Never forget all those who lost their lives that day.  Some willing and some not.  I am blessed to be an American!


  1. I kept a Time Magazine. I think it's packed in my closet though. I can't believe it's been 10 years. I was in bed with a sleeping one year old when Jon came in and told me about the first tower. I got out of bed and started watching TV so I saw when the second one hit. :( I couldn't help just sitting there all day watching the TV and feeling helpless.

  2. You know what Katie? My husband was also serving his mission, and he also kept a paper. Somebody also came up to him to tell him that his country was under terrorists attacks, he didn't believe it either, until he saw it on TV. I was in high school, my senior year I believe.
