Monday, May 23, 2011

Seriously Addicting

Um the Jack and Jill hat pattern by Izzy and Ivy is SO addicting! Seriously! I made msyelf one last week without all of the ruffles and flowers and then a couple of days ago I made one for my friends niece. I think it turned out SO cute!

My mom just made two this weekend as well.  My sister's best friend Beki was coming to visit her in Utah and so my mom made hats for her girls.  I feel so bad because the older girls hat didn't fit!  BOOOOOOOOO  So I told my mom if she wanted I would try and sell it in my etsy shop.  So stay tuned and if you love these hats I might have one for a 1 to 2 year old up in the shop sometime this week.  I would love to sell a bunch of these in my shop but I like selling pre-made things I can have done and then post.  Since these have to be made in a specific size, I just haven't done it yet.  I am thinking about doing a couple though. We'll see.  For now I am just making them for fun!  I think they are just too darn cute.  IN fact, I think I am getting ready to make the boy version for my son.  My husband just gave me 3 of his work shirt's that either didn't fit or had a stain.  My mom was making fun of me and said, "what, you aren't going to cut them up and make something out of them!"  Little did she know I was already plotting stuff in my head.  In fact, I am making him some play shorts out of them too.  They would have been done already except I made them a little too big so I need to fix them.

So we shall see what crafty things I have time for this week.  I always have a million things floating around in my head and we'll see what ACTUALLY gets done.  I am not the best multi-tasker.  Just ask my house.  It gets so messy when I am in the crafty zone.   This week I am trying to make sure to keep some balance.  We shall see how it goes.  :)

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