Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Driving = MORE Crafting

So this whole not being able to drive thing is doing wonders for my etsy shop! haha I have not had this much time before to devote entirely to it. But when you are stuck at home everyday it frees up a lot of time. I will be SO glad when my license comes in the mail but also a little sad. For now, here is what I did yesterday

I made some sunglasses cases!  WOO HOO  I have been wanting to make a bunch of these for the shop since I opened it but never got around to it.  I have tons more fabric I was planning on making some out of so maybe  I'll get around to doing some more.  Now that summer was fast approaching I figured I'd better get cracking on that!

I also made this

I intended on it also being a sunglasses case but it ended up being much bigger.  You could probably fit a small digital camera in the big pocket!  I love that it has two pockets so you could also put in a cell phone or ipod.

I am not sure if you remember back a month or so ago when I talked about making chap stick.  WELL, I also told y'all that you could get the chap stick tubes for cheap.  That is not entirely true.  They WANT you to think you are getting them for cheap but in fact, you are not.  They only cost 25 cents a piece but then every place I found that had them charged at LEAST 9 dollars shipping, even if you were only buying 4 of them.  LAME!  SOOOOO  it took me a while but I finally got around to ordering me some and for cost purposes I went a head and bought 100 of them.  I do NOT need that many but I figured it was cheaper to buy more and I had to pay for the dumb shipping any ways.  What this means for you is I have some in my etsy shop for sale.  I am doing quantities of 20 for 7 dollars ( that includes shipping! )  That way you do not have to pay an arm and a leg for them.  It's still cheaper then buying 3 dollar chap stick from the store and you get to control what goes in it.    Look how pretty they are!

I can't wait to make me some chap stick now.  I found a couple different recipes I want to try so we'll see which I choose.

Any ways.  I also put in my shop some interfacing.  I bought some thinking it was iron on and it wasn't.  The sew in interfacing just isn't for me.  I used it on a purse and some hair clips and one of sun glasses cases I made but I would rather sell it and buy some iron on kind.  So that is in the shop now too.  I am also hoping to add some of the jewelry my sister made today  It takes so long to list stuff and I already spent well over an hour listing things so we shall see.

On a personal note I have a hard time spending money.  Especially if it is a BIG dollar sign on a single item.  There is a camera bag I want that is 89 dollars.  I know it is very practical for me as a photographer and I know it is a very resonable price for a camera bag.  It is also really freaking cute and that can't hurt either right?!  It also just looks like a normal purse which I also like so that I can go somewhere and bring my camera and not have it obvious that I have a huge camera and a lens in my bag.  :)  So I decided to check my paypal account to see how much money I had in it and I was shocked that I had over 100 dollars!  WOO HOO  I went to the site for the camera bags a little hesitant.  I mean, 100 bucks is a lot for ME to drop on a single item.  On a side note I have also been wanting to save up to buy a silhouette REALLY bad!  My husband offered to buy me one for Christmas and I wanted to say yes SO BAD!  However, we were getting ready to move and dropping tons of cash on all sort of moving expenses. I told him it probably wasn't a good idea to be spending that much money on something that we didn't NEED ( even though it would have been very useful! )   So back to the camera bag.  I decided to go ahead and order it.  My heart was racing as I looked through the web site and got to the purse I wanted in the color I wanted and read OUT OF STOCK!  COME ON!  Seriously.  I finally decide to buy it and the color I want is out of stock.  It says it will be back in stock mid June so I guess I have to wait.  They have lots of colors but really I want to teal one and why should I finally spend the money and not get the color I want.  So waiting it will be.  What a bummer.

I hope your week is going well.  I am loving what the hot sun is doing to my daughters hair.  It is starting to go very red again and I love it!

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