Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I made an apron for my friend Katrina a couple of weeks ago. She had done a photo shoot for me while I was wearing one and she kept telling me how cute it was. FINALLY I made her one. I had looked at aprons on line for a while and decided which kind I wanted to make and then I just winged it. I didn't have a pattern or anything to go off of really but pictures. I think it turned out cute.

I really wanted to add some pockets BUT I started this at 9:30 in the evening and she was coming over the next day so I HAD to finish it that night. I decided at 1 in the morning the pockets were NOT gonna happen. haha Would it have been a little cuter with them? YES BUt I think it still turned out pretty darn cute with out them too!


I literately didn't use the internet for about 4 or 5 days straight!  My in laws were here and I was busy baking and cleaning and packing.  So then Sunday and Monday I used it for a total of about 30 minutes.  My son REALLY loves using the internet.  Since Mommy hadn't of been on the computer then that means he didn't really get to use it either.  He was DYING to use it.  This morning however I told him it was MY turn to use it for a little while.  I was trying to think of things to write about because I haven't been putting pictures on my lap top.  So here you go.  Kind of a simple project that won't apply to everyone.  But hey, for those it applies to you I hope you enjoy it.

I was going to be taking pictures of my friends new born and I was browsing the internet for ideas.  I like to do this before I do a shoot to get inspired and get myself in the mood.  Then I saw something and decided I HAD to make one for the shoot.  Check it out

Okay so most of you probably think this is ugly or ridiculous but I loved it!  I put this picture of facebook and my mom left a comment saying, "Where did you get that ugly hat!"  I wrote, "I made it!  Don't be a hater mom because I didn't make you one too."  I don't care that she didn't like it.  I thought it was funny actually.  But for those who take pictures often or have a new born and want to take pictures of them in a cute little hat like this, MAKE IT YOURSELF.  I looked these up on etsy.com and most people wanted 30 dollars for them.  Do you know how I did it?  I took a beanie, cut a little off around the bottom and then just started gluing flowers into it.  The hat really should be a little fuller then this but I ran out of flowers.  It probably cost me about 3 dollars to make this as opposed to the 30 dollars they wanted for it on etsy.  NICE! 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Forgive me...

Forgive me for the absence. We are going CRAZY packing boxes and trying to keep the kids entertained at the same time. We are leaving on Sunday and it seems like SO far away, yet REALLY close at the same time. Hopefully next week some time I will be ready to post some more blogs. I have things to post, just NO time. I might have some time on Wednesday and Thursday so there is till hope! :)

I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Skull Hat

I have been planning to make myself a hat since I was in Utah.  I had even bought all the material I needed.  It was planned in my head.  I was so excited.  Well folks, i FINALLY made it and it didn't turn out as cute as I was hoping. Also, it is slightly tight!  BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 

These pictures were taken with my cell phone so they aren't the best but it's really cute. I am hoping maybe I can sell it to someone. I tried wearing it the other day and after just about 10 minutes it started bugging me because of the size. Good thing for me I have MORE then enough material to make me another one in a bigger size. So any takers on my skull hat? I want to put something cute on it off to the side like a black bow or something. I have so much more to write about but not time. Christmas is too close and we are SO far from having our house packed up. Also, we have NO house to move into yet but we are moving on the 2nd. S T R E S S

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Pictures

I got new pictures of my kids up on my wall....just in time to move!  HA  BUT I got them up and they are tready for the next house.  :)   Here they are

Aren't they cute!? I LOVE That I have a printer that prints that big and looks that good and all I have to do when I want a pictures as big as 16 X 20 is walk into my other room and print one out! AWESOME! My sister took the picture of Kayla and it was a full body shot so I had to crop it. Also, she isn't wearing a shirt in the picture and I felt weird about putting up a picture of her with I AM A CHILD OF GOD on it with her nipples showing! haha So I cropped that out too and I love how it came out.

We have celebrated some birthdays around here. My boy turned FIVE on the 1st of December and we had a Chuck-e-cheese party for him. I don't have any of the pictures edited and shrunk but one so here is me and my Boy!

We also celebrated my husbands birthday on the 8th. We didn't really do anything. I had Tyler pick him out a birthday card and Walmart and this is what he picked out

I about died laughing in Walmart over the fact that he picked it. He liked it because it was Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story. heehee

I have ACTUAL sewed this week so hopefully later on today I will get up my latest sewing adventure on here. Hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Only In Texas

Well, I am sad to say my "Only in Texas" post will be ending shortly BUT I have one for y'all!  We had a yard sale on Saturday and this old man stops.  He does a walk through and then goes straight over to Cody and asks, "Do you have any fishing equipment, knives or guns?"  Cody says, "Nope."  and he says, "Okay thanks." and gets in his car and leaves!  HAHA  Only in Texas. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Self Binding

Do you remember my post forever ago about the self binding receiving blankets ? WELL, if you don't, click on the link. I FINALLY finished the blanket I was working on for my friend KP. She is having her second girl. I think it turned out cute. I had a slight issue because the pokadots flannel that I bought was misshapen. The guy who was cutting it for me notice and cut me extra so I could try and fix it. He told me if I took opposite corners and stretch it would help. I did so and I got it ALMOST back to it's original shape but it was slightly off, which meant my blanket was slightly off too. I think it's not bad for a first timer though and I will be making many more of these cute blankets!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bringing Christ Back

A lot of blogs are going up about bring CHRIST back into Christmas.  He is after all what CHRISTmas is ALL about.  Over the years the world has turned the holiday into nothing more then that...a holiday.  I am happy that it seems to still be centered around families but it is all for the wrong reasons.  We have a family at church who are newer to the church.  They decided that this year the kids wouldn't get presents and the kids themselves SAID THAT WAS OKAY!  They are 11 and 12!  Pretty amazing if you ask me!  My kids are just WAYYYY to little to be understanding that one, but maybe in a few years we can try it.

Any ways.  One of our lessons in church this last sunday was all about bringing CHRIST back into Christmas.  I had a strong feeling come over me that it would be important to take notes and write a blog about it.  After all, even if this encourages just ONE of you to put CHRIST back into Christmas I would feel blessed.  So here are my notes and I hope that it is helpful to all who read.  If you have some of your own ideas, leave me a comment and maybe I'll write another blog in a couple of days with more suggestions.


1.  Study your Bible ( scriptures )  What better way to be more focused on Christ then to be reading about him and his life through the Bible.

2. Pray in the NAME of Christ.  This depends on your religion and beliefs but it we always end our prayers by saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ AMEN"  It helps you remember who you are talking to and WHY you are speaking to him.

3.  Decorate with CHRIST in mind.  Not snowmen and candy canes but the manger scene and things that remind us of his birth.

4.  Christmas music.  Some people start playing this as early as the October but if you don't get into the whole Christmas music thing ( which I do not I am sad to say ) start now with some spiritual songs of Christ and that are centered on his birth.

5.  Entertainment ( I left the room on this one because my daughter was throwing a fit!  haha  so go with your gut on this.  )  Choose entertainment that would help you feel closer to Christ or that would help you or your kids understand the circumstances surrounding his birth.

6.  Leave scriptures about Christ and quotes about him all over your house.  My mom likes to leave sticky notes on her mirror in her bathroom.  Some where that you KNOW you will see and read at least once or twice a day!

7.  Keep a Christmas journal.  I am a journal FREAK!  I love them!  This is a great idea to start with young kids too.  If they are too young to start one themselves, then start one for them.  Then when they get older they can add their own stories and experiences to it.

8.  TALK about Christ!  To any one and every one!

9. Serve others.  There is no better way to feel good inside then to help other people.  For the most part people are more receptive to help during the holidays so get out there and serve people all around you.

10.  Give Christ a spiritual.  What is a spiritual gift you ask?  Well, here is list number two of some of the possible spiritual gifts we can give Him.

Spiritual gifts

1.  Serving  (we talked about it already)  The scriptures say if you are in the service of your men, you are in the service of God!  Would we serve God if he came to our house/town/State ?  HECK YES WE WOULD, so serve our fellow beings and we ARE serving God.  I try and keep this in mind while Christmas shopping since everyone gets so crazy about it.  Smile at people who cut you off and steal the thing you were reaching for.  Maybe they just need someone to be nice to them to help them feel the spirit that they are lacking inside.

2. LOVE  goes along with number one.  You can't help but love someone you serve and vice versa.  If you love someone you WANT to serve them.  Do we love Christ?  Let's show him!

3.  Have a humble heart

4.  Keep his commandments.  "If you love me, keep my commandments"  He asks just a few minor things of us. One of them was to keep his commandments which are pretty darn easy.  I have the whole, "Do not murder" one DOWN!  haha  But seriously, keep his commandments.  I am sure this would make him very pleased!

5.  REPENT-  if you think you have something hanging over you that you have not repented of, turn yourself over to him and repent of it.  Life that ton of weight off of yourself.  I am actually speaking in church on Sunday about this very topic.  Repentance is SUCH an important part of life.  Christ wants us to be happy and it's hard to feel happy when you are dwelling on a past mistake.  Get over it and give it over to him.  Ask for forgiveness and let him forgive you!

6.  Pray with a sincerity!  DO you ever get in a rut where you pray because you KNOW you are supposed to but don't change up what you say?  I do this constantly and I am always trying to change things up so Tyler hears thats I don't say the same thing over and over.  It's important to pray from the heart and not to memorize someone and spit it out every time you kneel down to pray.

7.  Study the scriptures daily!  Boy do I need some work on this one.  It's important.  Give up 10 minutes of blogging and read your scriptures.  Your day will go by some much better, I promise.

8  Lastly, give THANKS in all things.  We owe EVERYTHING to Christ!  He gave up his life for us.  Let's give him thanks by bringing him back into the holiday that is SUPPOSED to be centered around him anyways!  BRING CHRIST BACK INTO CHRISTMAS!

I LOVE Jesus Christ very much.  He is my reason for everything.  Help me bring him back by reposting this or writing your own blog about bringing him back to Christmas.  Don't forget to leave me comments with any other spiritual gifts we could give him or other ways to bring CHRIST back into Christmas! Thanks for reading and I hope every one is having a very blessed day!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Apologies

I apologize for not blogging much lately.  I have good reasons...my husband has just accepted a new job with his company.  It means NO MORE TRAVEL for him but it also means moving.  And we have to move quick!  He starts his new job January 7th.  So we are moving from the great state of Texas and going to good old California!  For those who do not know me outside of the blog world, I grew up in Southern California so it will be nice for me to be there for a couple of years with friends, the beach and some other great things.  Mainly, it will be SO nice to have my husband home EVERY NIGHT!  Also, we are closer to both set of grandparents.  So there are many pluses and of course minuses too.  We don't want to leave Texas ( we like it here! ) and wed don't want to leave our friends and in laws around the corner.  That will be sad for us BUT we look forward to moving back here as soon as my husband finishes his masters degree in a few years and will HOPEFULLY be able to find a job in Austin or Dallas. 

SO for the next coming weeks my post will be few and far between but I DO have some planned for this coming week IF I can get around too it because I also have a LOT to do this week.  I have to speak in church on Sunday, also prepare my gospel doctrine lesson, Tyler has to get shots tomorrow because he turned FIVE and has his yearly check up, my husbands birthday is on Wednesday and then we have a party and possibly a photo shoot on Saturday.  LOTS going on.  Also packing and TRYING to clean because we have a real estate agent coming over on Tuesday to look at the house.  Sheesh.  Someone shoot me.  I PRAY I don't gain a thousand pounds from all the stress.

Until next time...( hopefully it won't be too long! )

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pirate Party ARRRRRRRR

My boy just turned 5 yesterday! YIKES!!! I can't believe he is 5 already. We were having a chuck-e-cheese party for him when we got back to Texas but we wanted to have a family party in Utah before we left. SO we had a PIRATE PARTY! Why a pirate party? because they had pirate party stuff at the Dollar Tree! haha And we got what we paid for. I put up the HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign and my husband says, "Whats up with the two A's?" I looked at the sign and it still took me forever to figured it out. It was spelled HAAPPY. I guess that's pirate for "happy". Heehee I swear I took a picture of the sign but can't find one. If I ever find it, I will post one. My sister and her husband are not afraid to have fun or to look silly when doing so. I told them we were having a pirate party and they decided it was gonna be a costume party since THEY wanted to dress up...haha Tyler didn't really have anything so I made him a shirt. I think it turned out really cute!

Of course it is turning my picture again! Go figure. Our party was lots of fun.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So...I LOVE broccoli! Especially when I am trying really hard to be good about the South Beach diet. I ran to the store and bought some organic broccloi the day before Thanksgiving for dinner. I brought it home and started to cut it while my dad was grilling us some steak and to my surprise I found BUGS! LOTS OF THEM!!! Check it out

Here they are close up!

I like getting organic and I like being green but that's TOO GREEN FOR ME! haha YUCK!

Oh and just so you know I did NOT eat the broccoli. I threw it straight in the trash ( right after I took the pictures! )