Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Apologies

I apologize for not blogging much lately.  I have good husband has just accepted a new job with his company.  It means NO MORE TRAVEL for him but it also means moving.  And we have to move quick!  He starts his new job January 7th.  So we are moving from the great state of Texas and going to good old California!  For those who do not know me outside of the blog world, I grew up in Southern California so it will be nice for me to be there for a couple of years with friends, the beach and some other great things.  Mainly, it will be SO nice to have my husband home EVERY NIGHT!  Also, we are closer to both set of grandparents.  So there are many pluses and of course minuses too.  We don't want to leave Texas ( we like it here! ) and wed don't want to leave our friends and in laws around the corner.  That will be sad for us BUT we look forward to moving back here as soon as my husband finishes his masters degree in a few years and will HOPEFULLY be able to find a job in Austin or Dallas. 

SO for the next coming weeks my post will be few and far between but I DO have some planned for this coming week IF I can get around too it because I also have a LOT to do this week.  I have to speak in church on Sunday, also prepare my gospel doctrine lesson, Tyler has to get shots tomorrow because he turned FIVE and has his yearly check up, my husbands birthday is on Wednesday and then we have a party and possibly a photo shoot on Saturday.  LOTS going on.  Also packing and TRYING to clean because we have a real estate agent coming over on Tuesday to look at the house.  Sheesh.  Someone shoot me.  I PRAY I don't gain a thousand pounds from all the stress.

Until next time...( hopefully it won't be too long! )


  1. Exciting! But busy! Hang in there. Good luck the next couple of weeks.

  2. Good luck with everything! Lots to do, but the reward is better, and that is having your sweetheart closer to you and your kids everyday....Merry Christmas Katie!!! =)
