Monday, September 20, 2010


Why am I still up?  I have to get up at at LEAST 5:30am ( which is early for ME! ) and I also need to get my children up, dressed and in the car ready to drive off by 6:15 at the latest.  My husband is NOT going to work tomorrow, thank goodness. 

My sweet little baby girl tried really hard to grow 6 fingers on each hand.  One looks like a wart, the other you can tell upon close inspection that it was indeed a finger and you can even see teeny tiny finer prints on it.  We are having them removed tomorrow.  Why now someone asked me?  Well, the doctor told us to wait until she was at least a year old.  that came and went and got pushed back for one reason or another.  Right before her 18 month check up she started to notice them.  If her hands were dirty ( or wet ) she would pick at her hands and see these "things" and try to pick them, or even BITE them off!  Yeah....I am not wanting to come into the room just in time to see her succeed in biting one off and having blood every where.  Yikes!  Also, we just didn't want the poor girl to get made fun of or have problems because of them.  She will have little scars but that is okay. 

We call these her nubbies.  hee hee  Every once in a while Tyler will say, "Mom, do I have nubbies?"  and then he will giggle.  I tell him no.  Then he will say, "Does Kayla have nubbies?"  And I say, "Yes Tyler, you know she does."  He is super silly.  Saturday while we were out and about doing something I told him, "Hey Tyler, do you know how Kayla has nubbies?  Well she is going to go to the doctor on Tuesday and they are going to take them off for her."  You should have seen his face!  He said, "Will it hurt her?"  I replied by saying, "It might hurt a little bit but they are going to give her medicine that will make her go to sleep so she won't know what they are doing and it won't hurt her when they do it."  I thought my poor sensitive boy was gonna start balling.  He says, "I don't want them to hurt Kayla!"  Which is ironic to me since he had been SO mean to her lately.  This took many minutes of talking him down to convince him it was okay and she was going to be fine.  Sheeeesh.

Some tomorrow she reports at 7 and by 9ish or so we are hoping they will be GONE!  They do have to put her under but it only takes half an hour.  I have heard that childred usually become violent when they are waking up and try to scratch and hit and what not.  Oh JOY!  So mommy clipped her finger nails tonight and we are hoping for a smooth transition. 

Tomorrow night is enrichment night at church and I am crossing my fingers I can go.  I REALLY want to go because we are talking about 72 hour kits and I am in need of it.  Am I crazy for thinking this is possible?!  I think maybe if I think positively about that it will happen.  Think positive thoughts for me please.  If you pray, include my baby girl in your prayers tonight and tomorrow.  I am sure all will be well.  I am sure she will be playing and giggling by dinner time......crossing my fingers. 


  1. Little boys can be so sweet, LOL! Here are prayers that the surgery goes smoothly, and for a speedy recovery for your little one.
    PS - if you end up back on the internet today, come link up to my Etsy Shop link party.

  2. Everything will be just fine! She is in our prayers for today, I know Heavenly Father will make this as smooth as possible for your little girl, and patience for you Katie =)...

  3. Sending prayers for a good day for you and baby.

  4. just read your post today - prayers with you and sweet baby girl. Hope all went well.
