Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All Is Well

All is well at my house.  My daughter did great!  I will post pictures later.  For now we are off to story time at the library.  My kids love story time at the library.  Last week before it started Tyler actually read a book to the librarian who does story time.  Her name is Cheryl and Tyler loves her.

I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday.  I have LOTS of cleaning to do since we are having people over for dinner tomorrow night.  Don't you hate when you have tons of cleaning and it gets in the way of your crafting time?!?!  Man I HATE that.  I have a little over a week left until we go to Utah and LOTS of crafts I wanted to do.  Some will probably have to wait until I get there.  Good thing my mom owns a sewing machine because I plan on using it.  :)   I am also doing another maternity shoot on Friday for my friends Lisa and Jason.  Can't wait.  I am really enjoying having photography jobs to do lately.  It has been so much fun.  I got hit up for another one last night at church.  It may not happen until December when I get back, but I am looking forward to it as well.  It is for a friend who wants to get really good pictures of her grand kids as a Christmas present for their parents.  How fun is that.  They are the CUTEST little blond girls with big blue eyes.  It should make for great pictures.  :)

I will TRY and get on here later to post some cute pictures of my girl in her hospital gown.  She took it off 2 or 3 times but we finally got her to keep it on.  heehee

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