Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Camera Strap Cover

FINALLY!  I made a camera strap cover!  Seriously have been meaning to do this since I got my sewing machine a year ago.  I even made one for my Mother in Law and one of my friends.  I even call myself a photographer and STILL hadn't made one.  I was really sad because I had high hopes for making it cute and kind of original.  THEN while laying in bed TRYING to fall asleep I was thinking about the material I had already cut out to make the strap ( I had cut it out and then my girl woke up from her nap early and I didn't get to start it ) and realized I cut the material the wrong size!  BOOOOOOOOOOO  So I changed things up and made the strap that they featured on Ucreat the month of June ( I think it was June any ways. )  It is cute and I really like it but one of these days I will make it the way I was planning on doing it. 

Now I was be styling for my photo shoot on Friday!

I had a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day! It stared out at 10:45 and ended...well it hasn't ended yet. But we had left at 10:45 and didn't get home until 8. We were supposed to be bringing daddy home with us around 5ish. INSTEAD he got stuck in Dallas waiting forever for the weather to clear up. Which meant we were stuck in Killeen WAITING for him and the kids were exhausted. Now it is almost ten and my hubby should be walking through the door in another 20 minutes or so. I let my boy stay up to say hi to Daddy. HE was SO excited to be picking daddy up and when I told him he wasn't gonna get to get him at the air port he got really sad and started to pucker. So I told him I would let him stay up with me. Thank goodness Kayla didn't understand because she missed her nap and was exhausted.

Hope everyone else had a good day. "See" you all tomorrow.

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