Monday, February 15, 2010

BOOB Update

For those who have been reading this blog since the beginning, might remember a blog I wrote about my boobs. Well if you don't you can read it here. I have an update. I have recently lost 10 more pounds and have been SO happy about it. I hope to lose at least 10 more in the next month or so. Usually Boobs shrink when losing weight and I honestly thought they hadn't. Then Cody came home from his trip and someone was actually touching them....Yeah they got smaller. He says my butt is smaller too....I'm not sure about that one. He did say it while the lights were out, we were in bed and he was rubbing my bottom so he was judging solely on how it felt. Pretty scientific if you ask me. ANY WAYS....I went bra shopping on Saturday. The results are in and my boobs did shrink. The problem...they shrunk enough to not fill out a D cup all the way BUT they didn't shrink enough to fit into a C cup! What the heck. So now, it's either a bra that's slightly too big and bags, or one that is too small and my boobs don't fit into all the way. Boooooooooooo At least I lost the 10 pounds and I wouldn't trade that for the boobs any day!

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