Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sharing Time

One of my dear friends I have acquired since in Texas bought Tyler a book from the dollar store one time. She was getting a package together for us for our LONG drive to Utah for Christmas 2 years ago. So she just kind of looked at it and grabbed it to put in the bag. Tyler has decided since being at church and learning about Jesus, that he really likes reading it. Sometimes we read it 3 or 4 times in a row which isn't hard considering it is like 11 pages long. It's called "Jesus Loves The Little Children" and every time I read it, it gets funnier and funnier to me. Maybe it's just me but I think the person who wrote it is a racist at heart trying to pretend like they love everyone equally. Why would I say that? WELL, I decided to show you this book and my thoughts on each page as I go. This is why this post is HERE instead of at my family blog. Didn't want to offend anyone with this highly offensive post. I am not being racist I swear. I LOVE everyone. It just screams out from the pages that I had to see if maybe it was just me? So here we go...

Front cover...ain't it purdy? Jesus Loves the Little Children...

"Jesus loves the little children" It is a bunch of multiracial kids playing peacefully together in an open field. Awwwwww

"All the children of the world" They are all holding hands, isn't that sweet? The next page is where it starts to get....well, you decide.

"red" to me this is clearly Mexican kids playing on a beach. At least they didn't draw them drinking or doing something illegal. And the whole "red" thing DRIVES ME CRAZY..but I think, maybe it was just a coincidence. Then I turn the page and see this:

"and yellow" WHAT? This is clearly Asian kids working in a field. Oh dear....whats next? Maybe it's still just me...

"black" This is a picture of black children on a play ground. At least it was playing on a play ground and not something else...and Tyler get confused by this page. He always ask where the black is. For him there is no black on this page. Poor guy. Could this book get any worse?

"and white" Okay hold it! The white kids are clearly celebrating their "whiteness" by having a parade in the streets! Come on people.

"They are all precious in his sight" Sure. That's why the white kids are leading the parade and all the different multiracial kids are behind them. Oh and I am PRETTY sure that's a black kid at the very back. Am I wrong?

"Jesus loves..." Okay is it just me, or does it look like the white kid is shoving the black girl out of the way? haha I just noticed this one recently. His hand isn't holding her hand, it's on her shoulder...while running? Yeah, he's pushing her.

"The little children..." Okay. the person illustrating the book realized they needed to put Jesus holding a black kid now before someone notices what his book was REALLY about. But don't worry, he is still holding hands with the white girl.

"Of the world" Again, back to the white kid....actually this picture confuses me. It MIGHT be a Mexican kid but they colored him WAYYYYYY to light that I am having trouble telling.

So that's it. Every time I read it it gets funnier. I know I am a horribly sick person. I think the book had a great message and they were trying to put it in a way that would teach kids about other races but I just think they failed horribly!


  1. SHUT UP! We have the same book and I have thought the SAME thing!!! I even showed B about a year ago and he was cracking up. I didn't know you guys had the book too. Soooo funny!

  2. HAHA Glad to hear I am not some weirdo! It figures you would have the SAME book. Did you get it at the Dollar General?

  3. Hilarious!!! Am I the only one that doesn't have this book? I didn't notice the color thing until the black kids and then it hit me... LOLOL! How sad!

  4. I'm falling out of my chair right now! That's so horribly funny! Aurgh! I can't STAND stuff like this. Now I want a copy of this book.

  5. Oh wait...one more comment...why do the African American childbearing's faces look so deranged?!

  6. One more comment...my mac automatically changed "children's" to "childbearing's". I'm not that dumb.
