Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I order some cute ribbon and a head band to make Kayla some bows for her hair on May 16th. When I finalized my order they sent me a confirmation email that said it would take 10 to 14 days to process and I am died. Seriously, for ribbon? What takes that long to ship me ribbon. SO I patiently waited. After almost a MONTH of hearing nothing from them, and obviously NOT getting my order, I finally wrote them to complain. This was Monday. My email said this:

I order something WELL over 14 days ago and I am wondering where my order is? I didn't realize it would take so long and I am starting to get a little upset. Can you please let me know what is going on with my order? My order ID is 19904 and I order my stuff on May 16. I appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you


Okay I thought that was nice but with the bitchy undertone I think it deserved. I got this in response like 3 hours later

Your order actually shipped this morning. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Alexis Bowtique

YEAH RIGHT! Do they think I am stupid? Apparently they did. I am so sure that they just happened to ship my order the same day I write to complain. Here's the thing, I STILL never got an email with tracking info, something my FIRST email from them said I would get once my ordered had been completed and shipped. So I was NOT hopefully. Now TWO days have past since they supposedly shipped my stuff and I get a thing from paypal saying I have been refunded because the ribbon is on back order! WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! SO I sent another email

Why, when you told me two days ago that my order was shipped that morning almost a month after placing my order, do you just today give me a refund and say the ribbons are on back order? This is the worse service I have ever gotten from a company and I WILL tell all my friends and family about it!!!

SO that is what I am doing. NO ONE order form them every. They are called Alexis Bowtique and the web address is just that. I AM SO PISSED. What makes me the most mad is that they lied and then didn't even write to apologize. Also the fact that I order like 5 or 6 different styles of ribbon and ALL of them are out of stock. It was really cute ribbon too that I haven't been able to find any where else. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Any one else know where I can order cute ribbon? Some where who will ACTUALLY fulfill my order? That would be super!

Okay thanks for letting me bitch and moan, I am done now.

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