Friday, December 9, 2011

A Soup Recipe JUST for You

Man has it been COLD here!  The other day I went to take my son to school and I noticed that the water bottle in my car was frozen.  It wasn't frozen solid but it was pretty close.  My husband is one of those people who only enjoys soup when it's cold.  I will eat it ANY time because, well, it's so yummy.  Since it was cold I really wanted to make soup.  I busted out a recipe and changed it up a bit.  Want to have it?  I thought so...

Potato Cheese Broccoli Soup

4 potatoes ( washed and peeled and cut up )
4 cups of water
1 onion OR onion powder
A can of cream of chicken soup
A head of broccoli
A block of sharp cheddar cheese

Boil the 4 cups of water and cut up potatoes for 10 to 15 minutes.  I stir occasionally so nothing sticks to the bottom.  If you are an onion person add some chopped up onion now.  I HATE onions so I opted for some onion powder.  I put about one teaspoon or so into the pot.

Next you want to add a chopped up head of broccoli.  The amount you put in is up to your person preference.  I also take carrots and shred them straight into the soup with a cheese grater.  You can also add celery if that sounds good but I usually don't do that.  Add a can of cream of chicken soup.  I couldn't find my recipe when I made it the other day so I added two small cans and it turned out super yummy.  Next I shred up a block of sharp cheddar.  THIS made a big difference for me.  the recipe calls for half a block of velveeta which taste great BUT the soup never seems to heat up well.  This time I did the REAL cheese and it heated up perfect.  Again it is up to you though.  keep stirring.  If you like soft broccoli you might want to add the broccoli in towards the end of your 10 to 15 minutes of boiling the potatoes.  This will help make them softer.  Once everything feels soft you are done!  I stir quite a bit at the end because if you don't it sticks to the bottom and then burns.

So how do you serve this?  My FAVORITE way to serve this is with sour dough bread bowls.  Let me tell you, I HATE soup dough.  I don't like it at all but for some reason it rocks my world with this soup!  I tried doing regular old french bread with it once and was so disappointed at how different it tasted. I like to cut off the top of the bread soup, scoop out the inside and then stick it in the oven with some butter and garlic salt sprinkled on.  I even butter and sprinkle garlic salt on the lid and use that to scoop up soup.  If you can not find bread bowls I sometimes just get the sough dough loaf and then cut it up into strips and butter and add the garlic salt to those.

Want to see the soup?

yeah, I forgot to take pictures.  Trust me when I say it was fabulous! And here is what I did to the sough dough loaf to make it easier to dip in my soup ( and yummier! )

Sorry for the horrible pictures.  I took them with my cell phone.

So don't think I am not posting because I have given up on blogging.  I have not had much time and when I do have time and TRY to write a blog my internet quits working.  It has been SUPER frustrating for me.  Something got messed up between my lap top and our router and it kicks me off constantly but it NEVER kicks my husband off.  So I could just use his lap top right?  Not really because ALL of my pictures are on MY lap top.  I am hoping to get this resolved at some point because it is driving me nuts.  I have some projects to post and I am hoping to get some up right now since the internet seems to be working.  Here's hoping...

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