Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I know I have not been on here much lately.  I apologize.  We have been crazy here.  Last Thursday I got the flat tire on my way home from the grocery store.  My friend was coming to stay with us for the weekend so we had a couple of things planned.  We all had sore throats and the kids were coughing a lot.  We went out to dinner and then bowling Friday night.  It was fun!  We also got a call from our realtor and WE GOT OUR HOUSE!  Like, it is OURS!  I can't tell you how much of a stress relief that was.  Although we have to move now, not to mention clean the house because it has not been lived in since March, but we no longer have to sign a million papers and wait patiently for someone to let us know what is going on.  Buying a house is such a pain but totally worth it.  I have had a lot of other things going on too and with everyone not feeling well it has been a challenge.

Last night we decided to go to the doctors when my husband got home from work.  So my thankful thursday's is to say I AM THANKFUL FOR ANTIBIOTICS!  Seriously!  Although we are not feeling better YET, I am so grateful the doctor gave us drugs so we CAN get better.  Now it's only a matter of time.

So since the house is officially ours now I'll post pictures soon.  We aren't actually moving in until the 8th or so of November.  Even then our lease isn't up on our rental here until the end of December so we get to pay a mortgage payment and rent the same month as Christmas, my son's birthday, my husband's birthday and our anniversary.  Yikes!  Not to mention that we had to buy me 4 new tires last friday and have had several trips to buy little things for the new house.  The thing about buying little things is that they add up to be a lot!   Did I also mention our house hasn't sold in Texas yet?!

So for now I am busy and trying to get SOME crafts and sewing done but I am failing miserably!  Here's to hoping I can get SOMETHING made in the next week so I have something to blog about.  What are you all thankful for this week?

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful to be having a third little baby in our family! There are just certain things we can't take for granted and one is family. The other is a good doctor with good drugs...hope you all get to feeling better soon!
