Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday

It has been a while since I posted Thankful Thursday's!  Today I have a GREAT one.  Today I am thankful for AAA!   I went to the grocery store to buy groceries with my two year old.  I was about a mile from our community when my tire wet flat.  DOH!  I had groceries in my trunk and so I got out of the car to take the groceries out and put them up front with us in the air conditioning.  I came back into the car and saw this

Good thing I only buy washable markers huh?  It came right off with a wipe.  So anyways I guess I am thankful for TWO things.   AAA for fixing my car and washable markers!  haha  I am having a much better day now though.  My friend is here for the weekend and he brought me food from my favorite restaurant!  WOO HOO


  1. Aw man, that totally stinks! Especially being so close to home! Glad you were able to get it all taken care of though!! :)
