Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I know I do this a lot but I always second guess myself when it comes to creating things.  Do you guys think I should turn these flowers I just made into hair accessories with maybe some white or grey feathers coming off of them?  OR do you think I should leave them as is and turn them into shoe clips?  My original plan was shoes clips but now I am not so sure.  Any advice helps.  Thanks y'all!

The picture is not that great because it is from my phone but you get the idea!  :)


  1. I think those would be cute either way! They would make super cute hair clips even without adding anything! You are so stinkin talented!

  2. They are very cute and either way would be cute, but when first saw the picture before reading, I thought they were hair clips.

  3. Is there a type of clip you can use to be able to use them as both? They're so cute!

  4. Depends on the shoes but I say shoe clips cuz you have a million hair clips
