Saturday, July 16, 2011

Handmade gift exchange

I know I have already talked about this but I got my present this week from the home made gift exchange.  We were supposed to have them mailed out on the 24th of June.  My partner had gotten hurt and spent some time in the hospital and then I left to go to Utah so I told her to just not worry about it and send it when I got back.  She was also getting ready to leave to go to Utah as well.  I got it in the mail Monday  YIPEE!  Here is a picture of what I got.

I told her I liked vintage stuff.

Love the black flower!

Perfect spot for one of my business cards!  ;)   haha  Actually I wanted to use a picture of my husband and I but I couldn't find one at the time.

I didn't even tell her that I was a photographer and she put a camera on it!  How perfect is that?!  Now I just need to figure out where to put it.

My crafter was Dee from La-dee-da creations.  She just opened up an etsy shop here and she is part of an organization in Arizona called love-create-shine-change   Click on the link to see what it is about!  Or just go check out her blog for all her crafty goodness! 


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