Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do You Remember?

Do you remember back in May or June when I blogged about a camera bag I REALLY wanted but they were out of stock in the color I wanted? WELL, they have the color in stock again! I have been debating on buying it or not. I HATE spending large amounts of money on one single item. Last month I bought my new backdrops and I haven't regretted that yet! I got great pictures of my sister and her little family. Check out my cute nephew

Here he is with his daddy sporting one of the bow ties I made him!

So I LOVE my backdrops!  I haven't used all of them yet so I still need to get some bodies over to my house so I can try out some more.  And now I am debating on buying the bag.  BUT WAIT!  Over at sew.craft.create.  She is giving one of these camera bags away that I want!  I am sure I will not win because I just am NOT That person who wins things ever BUT I am blogging about the giveaway any ways.  Today is the last day to enter so go on over and enter because you never know when you might win something!  And even if you don't win the blog itself is SUPER cute and you might get some new great ideas!

Since I am showing you pictures from my little photo shoot wanna see some more?  Check out my cutie pie Kayla girl

And the BEST picture I could get of the two of them

And then my boy!  The first picture I posed.  THEN he decided to pose himself...

LOVE this one!  haha

And if you knew my boy you would know him this picture describes him to a T!

Don't forget to go over to the giveaway and enter for your chance to win a camera bag!


  1. Haha! I love the pictures of your kids! They are SO awesome! The last two of Tyler cracked me up! :) I love your backdrops as well! I'm excited to see some of your others some time. Good luck on winning the bag you want!

  2. Well if you don't win the bag I think you should buy it. It's sooooooo Cute and you would use it all the time. I think you should post a pic of it so everyone can talk you into buying it.
