Wednesday, June 22, 2011


My friend Amanda asked me if I would make her a HUGE purse for summer.  How could I pass that one up?!  I LOVE making purses and even more so, I love making them for friends.  So we decided on colors, I bought some fabric and then got started.  I think it turned out cute.  Wanna see?

This first picture is to give you an idea about how big it is.  That is my daughter in the chair next to the purse.  You know, the purse that is practically the same size as her....yup, it's big!  haha

A small pocket for cell phone, chap stick, keys....

3 gigantic pockets that go all the way across the other side for bottles, diapers, wipes.....

Aren't the ruffles pretty!?  I have some more things that got crafted this week but they are for my home made gift exchange.  I JUST mailed it off today so once she gets it I can post pictures  I made a tutorial out of one of the things I sent her too so as soon as she gets it ( and I actually have internet ) I will be posting a quick, fun, EASY tutorial.

On a side note, because I am goign to Utah for two weeks I will NOT really have internet. I am freaking out a bit but it will be okay!  ( at least that is what I keep telling myself. )  Normally I hook my lap top up to my phone but that is no longer an option since we started getting internet at our house.  We turn off the wireless option on my phone.  DOH!  We'll see if I can get a blog or two in between now and when I get back.  If not, have a great 4th of July and I'll see y'all when I get back!

1 comment:

  1. I love that purse, and just so you know I'm your friend too, blog world, I know, I know, but still, does that count? ;)
