Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am going to TRY and start something new on my blog.  I am going to try and write something I am thankful for every Thursday.  Someone I know used to do this on their blog a while ago and recently I was thinking about it.  SO going along with the post I wrote yesterday about marriage, I am thankful for my HUSBAND!  Not only does he not complain EVER that the house is a mess or I didn't do his laundry or make him something for dinner other then pizza, he also ALWAYS asks my permission before spending money ALWAYS.  We had been talking about getting a grill.  We use a small Gorge Forman grill and it has seen better days.  Here we have a little cement patio in the back and so we knew we wanted to get one with some of our tax return money.  Well, the tax return money kinda went to a bunch of other things and we didn't get one.  My husband has been eyeing some on line.  He has been wanting to learn how to smoke.  He told his mom he wanted to learn how to smoke and she looked at him like he was crazy!  Then he explained that he meant MEAT and she laughed.  SOOOOOO after looking for a couple of months and not buying anything he finally decided to buy one.  Then he kept NOT DOING IT!  haha  I guess he is like me sometimes about spending money.  One night he had told me he was going to order it and I said "Go for it!"  Then next day I get a phone call from him.  He says, "I just wanted to be sure it was okay with you if I bought the grill?"  Um...didn't I already say yes?!  haha  Then he started to tell me he was going to use mostly amazon gift cards he had from one of his credit cards ( cash back for buying certain items ) and I just laughed at him.  I begged him to buy it and leave me alone.   He did, and I was SO happy he did.  I am SOOOOOOOO grateful for a husband who includes me in finical matters.  I know some married people have separate accounts.  We have one and I don't even know how to use it.  I don't need to really because I COMPLETELY trust him.  He has always been more then forth coming and he always says it's OUR money and gets mad when I refer to it as HIS.  I am so blessed for this and so I am GRATEFUL for my husband!

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