Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gift Exchange

I am so excited!  I signed up for the Craftaholics Anonymous Gift Exchange    I have always wanted to do one and the one time I did the art exchange I never received anything in the mail.  It was still a good experience though.  I am hoping this one will be much better!  I can't wait to see who I get and be able to make something cute for them.  YEAH!   And if you want to participate click on the link above and read all the rule.  Then sign up!  I don't know why I am sitting here surfing the internet because I have   a MILLION things to do today!  I mean seriously.  Between now and around 1 o'clock tomorrow I have to pack all of us for our 3 day trip to Disneyland, make a purse, fix a repurposing I started I plan on wearing Thursday, do some laundry, try and finish cleaning my kitchen ( YIKES! ), go to the post office and mail my latest etsy sale and put my etsy site on vacation!  When we get back later this weekend and take my site off of vacation mode, I will be adding some new things!  WOO HOO  I can't wait.  Adding things is so annoying but exciting at the same time.  

Well....I guess I REALLY need to get off of my butt and get going.  Sometime today I plan on writing a post.  I have a great beauty tip for y'all thanks to my sister Kim.  Happy Tuesday everyone ( I totally wrote Monday and then realized I lost that day yesterday! ) haha

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