Sunday, May 29, 2011

Flower CRAZY

This weekend I went flower crazy.  I have issues....I find something I like and then get really into it and neglect all other things.  A couple of days before this was the sun glasses case.  I was SUPPOSED to make some bow ties this week and never got around to it.  Boooooo.  Check out my craziness

Like I said CRAZY!

While making flowers I found these I bought like 5 months ago and then didn't do anything with.

I bought some in a couple of different colors and kinda made a head band and then forgot about them.  SO some hair accessories are being made now.  

Then I made another one of these but with some recycled satin and some feathers.  I love the frayed edge look.  It's so fun!

And now I must get in the shower.  I would say I was listing all of this flower craziness in my etsy shop today BUT I remembered later yesterday that we are going on vacation this week and so I will have to close the shop for a few days.  This means less work for me for the week but more work for next week.  That's okay.  I REALLy want to have more stuff in my shop and start selling more regularly.  I sold 3 things this week but hadn't sold anything for almost 2 weeks before that.  Hmmmmm

Have a great Memorial Day everyone!  I am heading to JoAnn's to fight all the crazies who are going for their big sale.  I NEED interfacing for a purse I ammaking me for our vacation so I MUST go.  Cross your fingers I come out alive!  Those crafty, sewing women are CRAZY!  haha

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