Monday, May 9, 2011

Bow Ties

My sister had her first mother's day with her son today!  Ironically, her husband is out of town and it is her first time as a single mother as well.  She REALLY wanted her boy to look super handsome for church so she asked me to make him a bow tie.  Her and her husband are being sealed to him in the St. George Temple later this month and she wanted me to make him a bow tie for that as well.  SOOOOO after I was done with my sister's purse on Wednesday I made Jacob a bow tie with some of the left over fabric.  MAN are these fake bow ties easy!  I think I may make a couple this week for my etsy shop.  Check out how cute it turned out

My sister sent me a picture of him wearing and so I was going to attach it but apparently I am not smart enough to figure out how to forward it to my email!  Ha  Oh well.  I'll get her to send it to my email and get it up here later.  Back in February or March I made my other nephew a tie for his birthday and his mommy sent me a picture too!  It was also so cute and I TOTALLY forgot to post it so I'll post the two together.

So how was everyone's Mother's day?  I got awoken at 7 in the morning by a lovely text from one of my friends.  Then we went down stairs and ate breakfast at the hotel we were staying at.  We were in Las Vegas on our way back to Cali.  Our girl was fussy and didn't want to eat anything but she drank a bunch of apple juice.  We were kinda annoyed but we needed to get going.  We got on the freeway and about two exits later she pukes ALL Over herself and her car seat!  BOOOOOO  I guess it was a reminder for me what being a mother was all about!  :)  We made it home in one piece and no more throw up.  We stopped at the store on the way home to get some groceries sine we knew we didn't have any at the house and it was packed!  TONS of people barely buying flowers and cards at 2pm!  Come on people.  SO glad we don't normally shop on Sundays because it was a mad house.  We got home and unpacked the cars which quickly destroyed my almost clean house.  I was going to make pizza but I decided we should just order it instead.  I hopped in the shower while my husband got on line to order pizza but the place here where we lived was closed for Mother's day.  I told my husband, "Don't they know Mother's day it should be opened because we all want a break from cooking!"  I mean, come on.  So I made pizza instead and it was very good.  I found a recipe that is very interesting and yummy.  YOu use a mix of white wheat and regular flour and you add dry basil, dry oregano and some cayenne pepper!   It was very interesting but in a good way.  If you make pizza as much a sI do you should give this a try.

Tonight I am going to attempt to start the south beach diet again.  It's time.  It seems every couple of months I get off track and need to start fresh and this is certainly that time!  So maybe I'll have a new recipe to share this week.  We shall see.  Happy Monday Y'all!

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