Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wheat Tortillas

How many of you guys like home made tortillas?  I DO!  I LOOOOOVE them.  I LOVE when you go to a restaurant and you can just tell they make their own tortillas.  The problem with restaurant tortillas is that the white ones aren't so healthy.  I LOVE wheat ones if you get the right kind.  I love all the added flavor and fiber.  MMMMM FIBER

My dear friend Sarah sent me a cook book for my birthday a few weeks ago.  She knows every since she got me hooked on the south beach diet I have been more and more into cooking with wheat flour.  I was BUYING wheat stuff before.  Wheat pasta, wheat bread.  But I wasn't really making my own.  I would make wheat bread that was good.  When we moved here to California a few months back I was bored!  No  friends does that too you.  So I started baking.  I am both happy and mad about this. Happy because I love home baked goods and sad because my pants are getting tighter and tighter.  The book my friend bought me called Whole Grain Baking and its a King Arthur Flour recipe book.  I am going to share with you the wheat tortilla recipe.

Whole Wheat Tortillas

2 cups white whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons vegetable oil ( I used olive oil and didn't see a difference )
2/3 cup warm water

Mix all the ingredients together and knead for 5 minutes.  Cover and let rest 20 minutes.
Break the dough into 10 to 12 little balls.  Cover and let rest another 20 minutes.
Take out one of the dough balls and roll out as thin as you can get it with a rolling pin.  Put on a skillet or frying pan on medium heat.  Heat each side for about a minute each.  Then keep flipping over until brown spots start to appear.  This is the fun process.  While the one is cooking, roll out the next one but make sure to keep the rest covered so they don't dry out.  Repeat until all of them are cooked.


 starting to cook

the rest ready to go

MMMMMM tortilla goodness. I have made these three times now.  I made burritos with them the other night and tonight we made tacos.  Try them out.  If you have not had wheat tortillas before you might not like the difference.  For me they are WAY more filling and the health benefits out weight the flavor difference.  Melt some butter on them or make a quesadilla.  These puppies are a hit for me and I am going to keep on baking them and trying new variations.  Next I think I am going to try adding garlic salt and some cheese or something.  I was trying to think of all the different kinds they have in the store.  We'll see how that goes.


  1. This looks SO. GOOD!

    Love it! And loving your coconut oil tips too!

  2. Yum! These look soooo good. I'm so happy you love your gift.

    Thanks for the recipe, too.

  3. We have to make these when you're here.
