Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Can See!

Yesterday was interesting.  I got my lasik done.  After they are done with the procedure they tape plastic things over your eyes and tell you that you must leave them on until you come in for your appointment the next day.  I cap remove them to put drops in my eyes which I have to do ever 30 minutes.  I have 4 different things I am putting in my eyes.  I was worried Kayla was not going to like the stuff on my face and want to touch it constantly.  Not so.  She looked at me and said, "Momma, you hurt your eyes?"  I said, "Yeah mommy hurt her eyes but it's okay."  That was pretty much it.  She was weirded out when I tried to kiss her goodnight though.  haha

Check out how attractive they are on my face

Trust me when I say the hat HELPS! haha  YOu should see me without the hat.  My mom was at work when I got home yesterday.  Everyone else was used to it when she got home in the evening.  For the first 30 minutes or so every time she would look at me she would laugh.  Real mature Mom!  :)  ( That's where I get it from! )

It was hard to tell yesterday that my eye sight was any better.  Today I can TOTALLY tell and as soon as I get the cups off of my eyes it will be amazing.  EEEEEEEEEEEE  Can't wait.


  1. Really happy for you Katie. Getting mine done was the best decision I ever made!

  2. So glad it worked out so well! I think you may have just sold me on the procedure. :)

  3. Yeah, the eye drops make your vision strange at first, but once that slows down you are home free...and loving life! YAY!
