Friday, April 29, 2011

Green Smoothie

I have been making smoothies lately to help me in the working out and TRYING to lose a little more weight.  I make a thing of them every other day and break it up into two smoothies.  I either drink it right after I work out or right after the kids go to bed ( the two times of the day it is the hardest for me NOT to eat junk. )  Mine is a berry smoothie.  It's pretty good.  Milk, yogurt, blue berries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and flax seed.  Sometimes I get crazy and throw a spoonful of whip cream in there.  We had bought a little thing of it and I was trying to use it before it went bad.  Honestly, it doesn't make much taste difference so why put it in.  Sometimes I throw a banana in there.  I was reading through my blog list updates this morning and saw THIS on Elle Apparel and I am SO gonna have to try this when I get back to Cali.  At the moment we are still in Utah.  Today we are heading to Cedar City to see my in laws and hang out with them.  It works out good because my mom and dad usually work on weekends and the weekends are the only days my in laws have off.

Yesterday I took my girl to get her first hair cut.  She did AWESOME.  I don't have my pictures on my lap top yet.  HOPEFULLY sometime in the next week I will be getting my hair cut too because it is driving me insane.  After we got Kayla's hair cut when we to the park and ate pizza and then my sister and I went thrift store shopping and then to Walmart to buy stuff to make dinner.  We made chicken enchiladas.  They were super yummy.  Then I made some home made brownies.  They turned out okay but I was hoping they would be awesome.  My mom and dad's cocoa was old and you could taste that in the brownie.  I was disappointed but everyone else thought they were good.  They were nice and moist though which I LOVED!  If you want to try the recipe check it out over at HERE over at Sugar Bananas.  I went to her blpog and clicked on dessert.  BIG mistake!  haha  I wanted to make everything I saw.  My next ( If I have the time ) is here Lemon Berry cake.  It looks amazing.

OKay enough babbling for today.  I have some crafty stuff happening soon but until then have a fabulous weekend!

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