Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth Day Giveaway

At the beginning of the month I talked about doing a giveaway for Earth Day.  Well, Earth day is quickly approaching and I have been busy getting ready to leave for a trip back to Utah.  I will be gone for a week and a half.  I am leaving on Easter, which happens to be the day after my mom's birthday and then I will leave around the 5th of May, which is the day after my oldest sister and my dad's birthday!  It should be fun!!  So my apologies at getting this giveaway up kinda late but it still gives you guys a good couple of days to enter.

Since this is for Earth Day I have a couple of Earth friendly things to offer you.  First, some of my home made deodorant.  Second I am offering a grey hand made flower made out of recycled fabric.  I always wondered what people meant when they said recycled fabric.  Well, this used to be a bridesmaid skirt that just hung in my closet.  Now it is being made into lovely flowers!  Here's a picture

MUCH better then just sitting in a closet right?  And the main prize is a set of two mini reusable shopping bags!  These are nice because they fold up and fit into your purse.  That way you ALWAYS know you have some.

So how are we doing on the giveaway?  I feel like it isn't enough.  How about I throw in a little container of some coconut oil too!  That way you can try some of the coconut oil suggestions we've been talking about.

Here is how to enter Y'all.  Leave a comment about something you are trying to change to make your life a little greener.  It could be trying some of the coconut oil suggestions.  It could be doing the home made deodorant.  It could be using reusable shopping bags.  It could be making your own hair care products.  Whatever it is leave me a comment telling me about it.

If you want another chance at the giveaway blog about what you are doing to make the Earth greener!  This is ALL about spreading the word so others can join in and find other ways to help out the Earth.  It is up to us to make the world a better place.  We do so by educating ourselves and then educating others.  So let's spread the word!  Leave a separate comment for each entry and good luck!

* ADDED-   This just added!  I went to shower right after writing this post and remembered one of the items I was planning on  giving away!  Kirk's Original Coca Castile soap.  This is a coconut oil soap!  Sweet!  It's all natural, hypoallergenic skin care with no animal by-products or synthetic detergents.  :)


  1. We try to always opt for reusable cloth over paper: bags, towels, napkins, diapers, etc.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. I think you need to just make me one of the flowers since you were my maid of honor and that skirt came from my wedding. I made Lawana some deodorant and she really likes it. That's the only really new thing, as in this week, new.

  3. Well I have bought products that are supposed to be good for the enviroment, I also recycle with my kids, and bought reusable bags for my groceries...where should I send my address?? I can't wait to receive all the stuff ;)

  4. I try to buy my groceries in bulk and bypass the prepared food aisles.

  5. My goal is to pick up some re-usable bags! I need some.

    Love you! Love your new header!

  6. I'm so glad you posted this!!! We already try to do some green living, but definitely don't do enough. Your blog is definitely giving me the motivation I need to make some more changes. I plan to cut back on my use of paper towels and use rags for spills and cleaning baby faces, and my mop for actually cleaning the floors. I also want to go back to using greener products for my kids (shampoos, toothpaste, & soaps), and try to find some earth and face friendly makeup. I'm also trying to show Maya the value of recycling, and have just begun to save recyclables for her to earn money instead of throwing them into our city's recycle bin. Lastly, we just returned to eating more organic stuff. We had given it up somewhat in the effort to save money, but have just begun to return to buying mostly organic, not only for the environment but for the health benefits of everyone in our family. Thanks again for posting, and Happy Earth Day to you! XOXO

  7. We are planting a garden and raising our own chickens! I rarely use paper plates or disposable cups anymore. I sew and mend clothing so it will last longer. I am trying to cook "from scratch" more so that I use less packaged products. And I ride a bike whenever I can avoid using an automobile.
