Friday, April 22, 2011

Coconut Oil Day 12

Today's coconut oil post is a LONG one.  I read this article yesterday and was very intrigued by it.  Because the article is long and has TONS of info on it about coconut oil, I am providing y'all with a link today.  GO READ IT!  Make the time.  I know it's annoying to have to click on a link but it's well worth the read.


I am TRYING so hard to get ready for my trip.  I am leaving on Sunday to drive to Utah with the kids.  Hubby has to stay here and work.  I am excited because I am getting my lasik on Tuesday!  I can't WAIT to have awesome vision WITHOUT glasses or contacts.  I really think it will cut down on some of my head aches.  We are going to be in Utah for 2 weeks.  I haven't packed anything yet and I have a photo shoot for a new born tomorrow.  IN stead of packing and doing something productive, I thought I'd take a break so I could write this post.  I am also not cooking dinner tonight ( my man is bringing home a pizza! ) and so I had an extra minute.  I am so proud of us because we haven't ordered pizza in 3 weeks.  WOO HOO

Hope y'all have a great weekend and remember there is still time to enter the giveaway if you haven't already.  It closes at midnight and some time tomorrow I will announce the winner.  Have a happy Friday!

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