Thursday, March 17, 2011


ON Sunday ( I know it's Thursday, I guess I'm just THAT slow this week! ) I was feature over at Not So Homemade  She was SO nice!  Go check it out over here.  ALSO she just reached 500 followers and is doing a week of give aways!  She dabbles in blog design and one of her give aways is for a blog make over!  WOO HOO  I TOTALLY need that!  So go check that out as well HERE

How is everyone's week going?  I tried to wash some towels yesterday and when I opened up the washer to put them in the dryer it smelled like mildew.  YUCK!   So now I have the task of cleaning the inside of my front loader.  Have I mentioned that I HATE cleaning pretty much anything.  I got online and read some great tips.  One thing I always MEAN to do but always forget is to leave the door opened after I wash clothes so it can dry out.  I also read you should leave the soap tray slightly ajar too!  Never thought of that one.  SO now I get to get on my hands and knees in the cold garage and scrub the inside of the rim and all the gross cracks and crevasses.  Can you tell I am SUPER excited about it.....

I'll let you know how it goes.  It needed to be done yesterday or the day before that or the year before that....

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