Thursday, February 17, 2011

Recipe Week: Day 4

Alright folks did yesterdays post change anyone's life?  Did anyone already know about white wheat flour and use it already?  I am curious because everyone I have talked to so far hasn't really known about it.  My friend Sarah said she uses wheat pastry flour in everything.  I had never heard of that either!

Today's recipe is SUPER simple!  Two ingredients involved.  It's cake.  For those who like to makes things out of scratch this is not a recipe for you.  This calls for a cake box mix.   My sister was here for two days visiting me and we decided to give this a try.  You ready?

1 cake mix ( we picked yellow cake )
1 diet soda

Yup.  That's it.  Forgo all the things the cake mix tells you to add and just add a diet soda.  This cuts back on the calories.  We did a diet dr. pepper yellow cake.  You can barely taste the soda and the cake is SUPER spongy.  When you pour the soda in the mix fizzes up and once it has settled and you pour the mix in the cake pan you can still see the effect it had on the cake mix.  This made me nervous.  haha  BUT when we pulled the cake out of the oven it was surprisingly good.   It makes the cake super soft.  It's hard to explain.  You kinda just have to try it.  It's NOT mushy but it's super soft and bouncy.  Then we were going to try another recipe for the frosting but I went to my pantry to get all of the ingredients and I have NO powdered sugar.  That's a MUST for frosting so we just ran out and bought some.  I will give you the tip I was going to try though.  Remember our home made deodorant recipe from the other day?  Remember the coconut oil we needed for that?  Well, you can use it as a butter substitute in recipes.  My good friend Sarah told me she uses the coconut oil instead of butter when she makes buttercream.  I am dying to try it so we'll see when I can get a chance to do it.  If you try it, let me know how it goes.

We tried the yellow cake mix just because the little market here only had yellow or chocolate.  We decided on the yellow but just think of all the possible yummy combinations!  We were thinking a chocolate with a diet cherry coke might be awesome!  MMMMMMM  Now that my family is gone, no more junk food.  Not only was I eating crappy but I was also getting no sleep.  My body is not happy with me.  But check out the cute baby onesie I made my nephew using freezer paper and a template we changed slightly from MADE

And here's a smiling picture I got of Jacob.

Ain't he a cutie?!

1 comment:

  1. look at that cute little baby face!! So much personality :) too cute
