Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sew Katie

Heehee  I love my new logo for my soon to be etsy site!  DON'T you!?!?  Still hoping to have it up and running this weekend.  I have stuff allllllllll over the place in my kitchen.  Head bands, hair clips, brooches, material, pins, scissors and my poor, sweet husband hasn't said a single word to me about all of my crap out.  As long as I make him a little money right?  haha


  1. I am hoping by this weekend but we shall see. Every time I try and get it all set up something happens and I have to did something before I san get it done. Like tonight I have to set up a paypal account and change or mailing address on all of our credit cards. Fun stuff haha

  2. This is literally sooooo you! Your friend did a nice job. I know you're shop is gonna do great - get ready to "work through the pain" hahaha.
