Thursday, November 18, 2010

My New Nephew

I FINALLY went to the doctor and he said my sickness was a cold that turned into a sinus infection. The good news; I wasn't contagious which meant I FINALLY got to meet my new nephew and hold him. he is SO sweet!

I even got a picture of him smiling!

Ain't he a CUTIE!?!  I can't wait to do a photoshoot with him.  These pictures were taken just while he was sleeping at my moms house while we were getting ready for the baby shower.  He slept ALLLLL day yesterday.  My sister kept saying "Oh great I am gonna have to be up ALL night with him now!"  I kept laughing because when my boy Tyler was 2 weeks old we came to Utah so every one could see him.  The first two days we were there he was literately held EVER second of the day and the third night we were there he was up ALL night because the second I would lay him down he would cry.  So I sat up holding him ALLLLLL night.  My husband woke up at 6:30 and I was sitting up in the bed with Tyler in my lap.  He said, "What are you doing?"  and I burst into tears!  haha  I said, "I have been up with him all night because if I lay him down he cries."  My husband was so sweet and said, "Give him to me and go back to bed."  I got to sleep for 2 hours.  WOO HOO  So I yelled at everyone that day to NOT hold him.  I kept putting him on the couch and they would sneak over and pick him up any ways.  Grrrrrr  I kept reminding her of that.  haha  I'll have to call her later and see if she got any sleep or not.

Congrats Kim and Ender and most of all Baby Jacob for being such a great baby!